Veronica’s tip for making resolutions stick
Veronica is my evil alter ego and co-author of my new workbook Your Alter Ego… Revealed!, a fun, sexy workbook that’s perfect for lazy winter afternoons. While some people are helping the homeless this holiday season, Veronica is buying herself sex toys and eating caramels for breakfast…can you believe it?!

So it’s New Year’s eve eve today and you’re probably thinking up some ridiculously un-fun resolutions.
Like losing weight, saving money or being less slutty.
Don’t. Just don’t.
Instead, make a resolution to meet your inner alter ego and buy my new workbook Your Alter Ego Revealed!
If that’s not a dead-sexy New Years resolution, then I don’t know what is!
But here’s the thing with resolutions: don’t resolve to do something that you don’t actually want to do.
Too many twits make resolutions because they want the results of those resolutions.
Like getting up at 6am every morning to run five miles and drink a kale smoothie. Sure, you might look slightly hotter after a year of doing this, but you will also have just spent a year getting up at 6am to do unpleasant things.
Make the journey as pleasurable as the destination and you’ll be cooking with gas!
Okay, so that said, here’s my 2017 resolutions…
- Make time to nap every day. Every single day.
- Drink more red wine (for the antioxidants, obviously).
- Spend less time on celebrity gossip sites and more time painting scandalous ladies!
What are YOUR 2017 resolutions? Tell me now……
Veronica’s tip for making resolutions stick Read More »