Oracle Card Reading for March 12 – 18
I decided to consult my Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards for this week’s reading…
Have a good week ๐
Oracle Card Reading for March 12 – 18 Read More ยป
I decided to consult my Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards for this week’s reading…
Have a good week ๐
Oracle Card Reading for March 12 – 18 Read More ยป
It’s been a while since I cracked my Housewive’s Tarot and for such a fun deck this week’s reading felt somewhat serious!
Have a great week ๐
Tarot Reading for March 5 – 11
I decided to consult my Magical Messages from the Fairies deck for this weeks reading…
Have a wonderful week!
Oracle Reading for Feb 26 – Mar 4 Read More ยป
Here is your Tarot forecast for the week ahead! I am using the Light Visions Tarot for this reading…
*I am currently on an internet break so I will read and respond to any comments after March 1st when I return ๐
Have a lovely week!
Tarot Reading for Feb 19 – 25
After trying on seven – seven! – different occasions to film this video, I finally did it! Had to wait for my cat to fall asleep first though (she was diving at the cards before and yanking my background fabric in her teeth!)
I am using the Osho Zen Tarot for this one…
Have a good week and thanks for watching ๐
Tarot Reading for Feb 12 – 18
It’s been ages since I’ve used oracle cards, so I thought I’d mix things up this week! I’m using the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Deck for this reading…
Have a fabulous week!
Oracle Card Reading for Jan 29 – Feb 4 Read More ยป
Here is your Tarot forecast for the week ahead! I am using the Everyday Witch Tarot for this reading…
Have a great week!
Tarot Reading for Jan 22 – 28
Here is your weekly Tarot forecast! I am using The Cook’s Tarot by Judith Mackay Stirt….
Have a beautiful week ๐
Tarot Reading for Jan 15 – 21
Despite the fact there are so many cats on these cards, this has to be the first reading in a long time that doesn’t have my meowing cat in the background! She must have been napping ๐
I’m using the Everyday Witch Tarot for this reading…
Have a wonderful week ๐
Tarot Reading for Jan 8 – 14
My favorite part of New Years is doing my annual Tarot forecast for the year ahead!
Although I don’t really see my reading as a “forecast” in the sense that it’s predictive – it’s more a glimpse into the themes, opportunities, challenges and energies of the year ahead and how we can make the most of it.
Remember nothing is set in stone – things change and shift as we move through space and time.
Please forgive my intermittent coughing throughout this video. I’m still recovering from pneumonia and I’m not 100% better just yet. If I was good at editing videos I would have just edited out all those coughs, but instead you’re getting the raw, uncensored, true to life version that’s full of unsexy hacking! ๐
Another thing I love to do as the New Year approaches is add up all the numbers in the year until I get just one number.
So 2018 would be 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11
and then 1 + 1 = 2
Since 2018 boils down to 2, I took a close look at all the 2 cards in the Tarot. I think all those “2” cards give us some extra insights into the themes of 2018.
This card is all about the inner realms and aspects of life that are secret and hidden.
I think many of us will be exploring things like intuition, psychic skills, dreams and our power to heal in a much deeper way in 2018.
Secrets will also be explored. Secrets can be delicious and precious or they can be destructive and toxic. What secrets will you keep and which will you reveal? What role do secrets play in your life? How do they effect you?
This card is all about juggling multiple things and going through the busy times with a certain grace. You can’t always control what life throws at you but you do get to choose how you deal with things.
Another way to think of this is that you are a dancer of life and while you may not have a say in what music is played, you get to decide how to dance to that music.
Decisions, decisions! We will have to make some tough decisions this year. Whenever we go through one door, other doors close – but we can’t just waffle and deliberate forever.
We won’t always have all the info we need to make an informed decision, forcing us to rely on our instincts even if that feels uncomfortable.
This card shows that we will become skilled in decision making in 2018…because we will get lots of practice!
This card is all about finding common ground with another person and bonding over shared values.
2018 will be the year where we make important alliances and meet others with similar passions – this could be romantic or platonic.
This is where we take a pause to contemplate where we want to put our energy next.
We have a chance to re-evaluate what we’ve been doing so far and whether or not we want to continue or make changes.
This is a card of soul searching and inner contemplation.
So there you have it! 2018 in a nutshell! I hope you’ve found this post/video helpful and I wish you the best of luck as we move into the New Year!
I’d love to hear your take on 2018 – what are your hopes and dreams for the year ahead? Where will you be putting your energy and attention? Feel free to share in the comments below ๐
2018 Tarot Forecast Reading!