ace of wands

Ace of Wands: Take up Something New! (Thursday)

ace of rods tarot card
Hanson Roberts Tarot

The Ace of Rods (aka Ace of Wands) is encouraging you to take up something new or to breath new life into an old hobby. Fresh starts are the theme with this card!

What do you see when you look at this wand? I see a pen, so I know I need to write more and keep up with my writing projects. Do you see a microphone? Start singing more, even if its just in the shower. Or do you just see flowers? Then get gardening! You get the idea….

Don’t hesitate to take up something new this week, even if it seems impractical. Don’t let that stop you because it just may turn into something really awesome!

In the comments below, let me know what new thing you are taking up this week…


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Ace of Wands ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Sat & Sun

paulina tarot ace of wands
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

This weekend is the perfect time to study or explore something that interests you! Take a workshop, try a new craft, experiment with a new mode of artistic expression or read an engaging how-to book. Whatever you do, this weekend is all about learning new skills and doing what excites you.

The owl in this card suggests that your true wisdom can be accessed when you fully engage yourself in what you love to do. Particularly when you are feeling playful and joyous. We often think that “wisdom” and “playfulness” don’t really go together, but here in this Ace of Wands, they do!

I get the sense that gardening will be an important part of this weekend for many of you, as will be spending time in nature and watching birds and other critters go about their day. Be on the lookout for owls this weekend….

You are on the cusp of a new beginning and about to come into your own wisdom and see things with a fresh set of eyes. Keep an open mind and a playful attitude!


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Daily Tarot Reading for Sat & Sun ~ Ace of Wands

fenestra tarot ace of wands
Fenestra Tarot by Chatriya

This weekend will be all about ceasing opportunities as they arise – particularly opportunities for taking action in a creative, passionate way.

The Ace of Wands is a symbol of fertility – of being open to the flow of ideas and creative energy and having the inspiration and drive to create something new.

A new beginning is on the horizon and this will become clear over the weekend and early next week. You are beginning a new phase and will have access to new energies and guidance.

Ask yourself what you feel most excited about right now? What kinds of topics seem to give you limitless energy? This is where you will want to be investing your energy at this time. When a new opportunity arises, ask yourself those questions. Does the opportunity excite you? Do you feel energized at the though of it? If so, you will know you are on the right path!

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