doreen virtue life purpose oracle cards

Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ Heart’s Desires

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s oracle card reading is Heart’s Desires and it’s message is that “the angels are supporting, guiding, and protecting you as your dreams become a reality.”

It’s time to really spread your wings and embrace your heart’s desires. Be honest with yourself about what is important to you and what you want to be doing – there is no need to put off your dreams any longer!

Once you believe that it is possible to make your dreams a reality, you will find that you are supported in many ways. It is not only angelic help that you will receive, but help from friends, family and even strangers.

Your first step is to believe its possible. If you keep thinking of your dreams as just dreams and nothing more, they will always remain so. Use the power of visualization to make your dreams feel more real and focus on developing a strong inner resolve to act on pursing those dreams. Today’s oracle card reading reminds you that you can have the life you want!

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Daily Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ Trust

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s daily oracle card reading is all about Trust. This Life Purpose Oracle Card says to “trust your feelings and dreams to guide your career path.”

If you are feeling at all lost or up in the air when it comes to career or life path, go within and listen to the voice of your soul. If you are used to searching for guidance from the outside, in the form of advice and opinions of family members and friends – try tuning that out today.

Make a list of all the things that captivate your interest and then make a list of all the skills, abilities and talents you have. Can you see a way to merge some of the things on each list to create a successful project, goal or line of work? This daily oracle card reading suggests you trust that you have what it takes to make your dreams a reality and trust that you will be divinely guided and supported while you do this.

My Top 5 Areas of Interest are:

My Top 5 Talents/Skills that I LOVE to use are:

*My Full Moon Reading is TONIGHT 7pm Pacific Time! There are still a couple spaces left – click here to sign up.

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Daily Oracle Card Reading for Wednesday ~ Yoga

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s daily oracle card reading is all about Yoga! The message on this card says, “Your life is enhanced by yoga, stretching, and exercising.”

Use Yoga today to calm down, energize and connect with your body and your self. Yoga is an excellent aid for releasing energetic blockages in the body and developing a calm, clear and peaceful mind.

I think that keeping our energetic bodies, such as our chakras, in balance is a major challenge for many of us and Yoga can be extremely helpful with this. However, any kind of regular exercise will help with this, although Yoga is particularly effective.

Set aside some time today to do yoga, or some other form of exercise or meditation. Here is a wonderful yoga video to get you started:




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Oracle Card Reading for Thursday ~ Bodywork

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

I used Life Purpose Oracle Cards for today’s oracle card reading and the card I drew was Bodywork. It’s message is: “Your life purpose involves bodywork, such as massage therapy, energy healing, physical therapy, or exercise training.”

Today is the perfect day to really focus on your body and give it what it needs. Treat yourself to a massage, a Reiki session or a really energizing workout. When you honor your body, it will reward you!

If you feel drawn to learn a particular form of bodywork, take the initiative today to look into it. See if a class is offered locally or check out books on the topic. There are so many ways to work with the body to bring about health and wellness, but the main message of this oracle card reading is to realize the power of working with your body to help release energetic blockages to create shifts and healing.


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