osho zen tarot

Osho Zen Tarot Card for the Weekend!

osho zen tarot card
Osho Zen Tarot

The Osho Zen Tarot card “Politics” reminds us to be ourselves this weekend and to enjoy being authentic and honest in all our dealings with others.

If you find yourself having to mask your true feelings and desires in order to fit in socially, you might notice that you feel drained, stressed or cut off from your true self.

Can you imagine what it would be like if you expressed your true feelings in public without worrying about how others see you? How would it feel to stop trying to convince others that you are a good/smart/interesting person?

This Osho Zen Tarot card has another meaning – when you embrace your “shadow self” you lose the need to hide part of yourself from others. What parts of yourself have you rejected and disowned? What aspect of yourself do you suppress and hide? The more you work towards embracing these disowned selves, the freer you are to experience your wonderful qualities. An interesting film and book on this subject that is worth checking out is The Shadow Effect.

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Healing ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Wednesday

king of cups tarot card
Osho Zen Tarot

Today’s daily tarot reading is all about healing your emotions. When a feeling or emotion is suppressed or denied, it blocks your flow of energy and throws you off balance.

You can start to heal your emotions by acknowledging them when they surface and by getting various forms of bodywork such as massage, reiki or accupuncture. Hands on healing can extremely helpful in releasing tension and emotional blockages.

The real message of this daily tarot reading card is that in recognizing your true emotions and having the courage to express them is one of the most powerful and transformative things you can do.

Today, notice when you feel a strong feeling and if you are in the habit of ignoring it, try honoring it instead – invite it to stay a while. Notice what this feeling is asking for and what it needs. Does it need to expressed? Does it ask you to take a particular action? The more you make friends with your emotions, the more helpful you will find them.


Today is your last chance to sign up for my live, interactive Creativity Tarot Reading via conference call, which takes place tomorrow night! Hope to hear you there!

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Daily Tarot Reading for Monday ~ Existence

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Osho Zen Tarot

Today’s daily tarot reading is all about feeling at home no matter where you are. Many of us are always searching for that perfect job, home or partner so we can feel “settled” or “at home” when in reality it has nothing to do with these things.

This week, focus on feeling “at home” in your body, mind and spirit. When you make peace with yourself, it doesn’t matter where you are or what you are doing, you will always feel at home.

The other message I got with this card is that we are all powerful creators who are an important part of the universe. What we think and feel creates the world around us and so this week will also be about becoming conscious of how we are directing our thoughts and feelings. Take a moment to recognize your ability to manifest and celebrate all the great things in your life that you have created and attracted to you.

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Daily Tarot Reading for Thursday ~ Five of Water

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot

This card is from the Osho Zen Tarot to remind us that we all find ourselves clinging to the past from time to time. However, sometimes we do this subconsciously without really realizing how we are creating unhappiness for ourselves.

Today you will have the chance to catch yourself doing this and to really question your mind and its silly behavior. You might catch yourself re-hashing a conversation you had with someone or feeling vexed about some old disagreement or wrongdoing.

You may be able to laugh at your mind or ego, especially when you realize it is creating stress for you when in reality, there is nothing to get upset about. It’s in the past!

Today, pay special attention to how often you think about the past and ask yourself why. Do you have unfinished business? If so, what can you do today so that you can move forward in your life? When we cling to the past we miss out on the present moment – which is where all the awesomeness is!!!

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Daily Tarot Reading for Wednesday ~ Guidance (Three of Rainbows)

osho zen tarot guidance
Osho Zen Tarot ~ Three of Rainbows (Guidance)

Today’s card is Three of Rainbows (Guidance) from the Osho Zen Tarot. Wherever we are and no matter what we are doing, we always have access to higher guidance. Whether it is our higher self, angels, spirit guides, god or goddess, we can tap into that guidance whenever we feel the need for support and wisdom.

This card has come up because you have been receiving guidance recently and at the time you may have wondered if it was your imagination. Perhaps you felt a calm, loving presence in the room or heard a voice or saw an image that held significance to you. These are all signs for you, letting you know that you can call on your guides/angels anytime.

Hands on healing such as Reiki, Healing Touch or other forms of healing come to mind with this card and I feel like the overall message is that when we engage in healing we have an easier time hearing guidance from the other realms.

Exercise: Try channeling healing energy on yourself by placing your hands on your belly, thighs or head. Close your eyes and breath deeply. Imagine that you are drawing white light down through the crown of your head into your body and out through your hands. Place your awareness in your hands and notice how they begin to heat up. Do this for a couple of minutes and then notice how you feel afterwards.

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Daily Tarot Reading for Friday ~ Silence

osho zen tarot silence
Silence from the Osho Zen Tarot

Silence and peacefulness come when we give up trying to control everything and make things happen – even for just a moment.

This card invites you to let go of anything that is bothering you and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. When you let go, even just a little bit, you allow your life to flow naturally and this is when magical things can happen!

When you let your mind become calm and clear, like the surface of a calm lake, you create a space in your life, almost like a pause, in which you can either turn your gaze inward or just enjoy being yourself and being alive.

Affirmation for today: Everything is unfolding exactly as it should

When you say this affirmation to yourself, really believe it and notice what happens to you. Do you physically relax? Do you feel lighter and more free?

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