Today’s Tarot card is the Ten of Swords from the Paulina Tarot. You might be tempted to over-dramatize things today and beware that minor issues may feel like big catastrophes – this is mainly due to the fact that yesterday’s Full Moon is still effecting us today.
Right now is a time of heightened energy….its like a culmination of energy, energy that has been building over the last month. You may have sensed a feeling of energy building inside of you and around you. This is also a good time to release old energies and patterns that no longer serve you.
Use the power of the Full Moon to shine a light on that which holds you down – write it down on paper if you need to. While you can do this kind of releasing anytime, now is a particularly significant and powerful time to do this work. By the time December comes, you will be feeling fresh and free of any burdens.
Do you feel like your connection with your deck is sometimes “off”? Learn how to connect with your deck in 3 easy steps…
thanks kate xx