Today’s Tarot card is The Tower and it shows that you are breaking away from the old way of doing things. This brings you sudden flashes of divine insight even though the experience of breaking away can feel scary and tumultuous at times.
The key to being comfortable amidst changes and shifts lies in your ability to refrain from grasping onto the old way of living and thinking. Sometimes you may want to cling to the old for a sense of familiarity and comfort, but you need your hands free and your mind open where you are going! Exciting times lie ahead for you!
This particular Tower card has such a warm, glowy feel, which indicates the importance of following the path that lights you up (not the path that is already lit up) – if that makes sense! Feel your energy and your zest for life gathering momentum inside you and let this inner light guide you in your choices and direction you take.
Check out my Tarot card spread for embracing change…