Eight of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

paulina tarot card meanings
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot Card is from the Paulina Tarot and it is the Eight of Swords – a card that holds the secrets to our personal empowerment and freedom!

This is interesting, because this same card came up in my weekly video Tarot reading (except I was using the Mystic Tarot, so the card is called 8 of Air). So the message here is extra important.

The eight of swords is all about opening your eyes to what is holding you back in life and finding a way to release or transmute these limitations.

I get two strong messages with this card. The first is that busy-ness and overwhelm is one major block to living a full life and this can be overcome by changing how you organize and prioritize your day to day tasks.

The second thing is that you are the only person who can rescue yourself from your own “blocks” – so don’t waste time waiting around for a hero to show up and make everything great. You have the power, resources and support to heal and rise above that which holds you back. You are the knight in shining armor you’ve been waiting for!


2 thoughts on “Eight of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Thursday”

  1. So funny, Kate. I’d totally forgotten about the weekly reading, and, in fact, have had a very 8 of Swords-ish experience just yesterday, which I did need to rescue myself from.

    You’d be proud of me. I acted “heroically” (a little bit) to get myself out of a long-term tangle-y sort of situation which really showed itself yesterday for what it was!

    Yay! Now I can head off to the Queen of Pentacles portion of our week.

    1. Wow – it sounds like your life is really in-sync with the cards this week! Thank god you have the Queen of Pentacles to look forward to now…:)

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