Happy Valentine’s Day! Before I get into today’s reading, I would like to announce that my brand new e-book Tarot Card Spreads for Love, Sex & Relationships is making its debut! Click here for more info. Okay, now on to the reading…..
The Queen of Swords swoops in today to give us a stern message (as only she can!)

Be sensible! Choose wisely, take time to make a heartfelt decision and don’t take on anything that will not ultimately serve your highest good.
In other words, if you feel like taking on a new project or responsibility will not lift your spirits, then say NO! The Queen of Swords is all about learning to say no with class, ease and a total absence of guilt.
On another note, this mighty Queen also advises you to clear the clutter in your life. All those stacks of scrap paper and random notes floating around your home are not helping you make wise, rational choices. Have a house clearing day and sort out your drawers, cupboards and closets and get rid of your junk once and for all!
Hello Kate–I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your readings. I recently found your channel on YouTube and find your weekly readings, deck reviews and these daily readings really helpful.
You have such a great way of integrating life and self care lessons into the tarot and a really nice calm way of presenting it.
Very glad I found you!
Thank you Elizabeth ~ I am glad you found me too! 🙂
Dear Kate–
Thank you for drawing MY card, the Queen of Swords, on Valentine’s Day. Combining Denise’s cool comments with my own feelings about her appearance today, I get that I am my OWN Valentine! I keep my own counsel, support myself with clarity and self-respect, and am appreciated by my community for the clear guidance and information I offer through my writing classes and book-coaching (total Q of Swords activities!).
I ROCK. Happy V’Day to ME!
P.S. Big congrats on your new e-book. But, as you might suspect from the above, those are not layouts I have great need of at this time!
Yes, happy Valentine’s to YOU Jamie! You do rock! Queen of Swords is totally a writer-lady, I have often seen her sword as a large pen.
Hi Kate, don’t you think that the Queen of Swords may have appeared on Valentine’s day to help and support those women who are alone/have no significant other? She will show her inner strength and stiff upper lip when dealing with sadness, be able to contain her pain and show the world her other face.
Just a thought, as I tend to see the Queen of Swords as a very private person.
Denise – Yes! I do think that the Queen of Swords is here with a message of strength and empowerment for the single women today.
Thanks so much for the V’Day shout-out for single women. Nice aspect of this card to shine a light on, today.