The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card is one of the most exciting cards to get, in my opinion! It shows that things are changing and won’t stay dull for long.
You have had ups and downs throughout your life, but things are going towards an upswing. Just make sure you stay centered within yourself so you don’t get pulled along by your emotions like a rag-doll at a fairground.
Positive changes are on the horizon for you, so get ready! Luck certainly seems to be on your side today (and perhaps for a little longer). Enjoy it!
In the comments below, tell me what “lucky” things have happened to you this week…
On my way home the trees in my street were dressed in their lovely autumn colours, and I thanked the universe for all the beauty I was seeing, and sent my gratituded
Passed my driving test yaaaay xx
Hey, Kate–
In business for myself, offering writers editing and other services, I have a lots of ups and downs. It’s typical for me to feel elated when I get a new job or client and then to feel deflated if someone backs out (even temporarily) after they’ve all-but-committed to working with me.
Very Wheel of Fortune!
Yesterday, I got an email from a thought-he’d-committed client, only to find out that he had decided not to go ahead with a plan of action we’d discussed. This meant quite a dent in my anticipated June income, and for a few minutes, I felt a little freaked out. Then I decided to go to my spiritual resources, instead of making this client or any other client the source of my well-being, and I (wait for it!!) actually sat my butt down and spent some time in prayer, gratitude, and meditation.
I know that sounds Goody Two Shoes beyond belief. But it’s true, and it helped me feel less out at the edge of the ever-turning Wheel, and more in the center where, while I may have little control of circumstances, I have some control over how I respond to them.
Play Ball!
Jamie, that is great that you were able to do that – that totally illustrates what I was trying to say with this card. Doesn’t sound goody two shoes at all….well maybe a little 😉
(Batter up!)
I have been lucky to find good advice in these pages. Strength to follow it. And joy in learning new perspectives from the cars, and comments from others.
That is wonderful to hear 🙂