The Empress encourages you to engage your nurturing qualities today – particularly when it comes to nurturing your creative ideas and dreams.
If you have been feeling uninspired lately, ask yourself how can I nurture and care for my creative self? When you totally ignore your creative, imaginative side, it will shrivel into oblivion.
In the book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron talks about scheduling an artist’s date each week, where you do something to inspire creativity, like visit a museum or go see an artsy fartsy film. Personally, swinging on the swings at the playground down the street works for me!
But if you treat your creativity as a regular part of your life and not just something you can engage with when everything else is done, you will never find yourself creatively blocked again 🙂
WHOA, Kate!
What are you, like a psychic or something (LOL)?!
I’ve just had these three coincidences surrounding your daily draw:
1) A clairvoyant read for me (long story, which you will hear fully, later) a couple of days ago, and told me I needed to start painting! Painting! (So messy.)
2) In response to other aspects of her reading, I decided to haul out my Artist’s Way and have started to do Morning Pages, with an Artist Date on the calendar.
3) This same person posted HER daily draw on Facebook, and it was, yup, The Empress.
Go figure.
Thanks for the super-confirmation.
(10 EDT, 7 Pacific, right?)
Aargh. Left you email and note on your FB page … I’ve got a conflict tonight. I’m so sorry. I totally double-booked, and just realized it!
Let me know you got this.
Oh, that is so neat! wow! I have recently been reading the artist’s way too, which is why i mentioned it here.
Hi Kate, playing works for me too!
Please send me your e mail address as I would like to suggest a possible e book.
Okay, I just did!
Whoa… I had a dream I had all my color pencils and markers out and old drawings. And yesterday it kept crossing my mind but I let it go. I also saw color pencils and oil paints yesterday at a store I went to. Wow… so this is another sign that I need to get back into illustration. Thanks Kate!
Btw…The Empress card is 1 of 3 cards I love to check out as soon as I receive a deck I purchased. It’s always been 1 of my favorites.
Colored pencils! What a wonderful dream!
Erica, that’s so cool! Yes, you definitely need to start drawing 🙂