The Hermit has appeared today because you feel a certain sense of aloneness in your life. Not necessarily lonely – but this feeling that you are having to walk this path alone and figure things out by yourself.
At times this exhilarates you and other times it saddens and frustrates you. But know that others have also walked this path before you (note the odd stone faces in the ground!) and while you cannot see them, their spirit is with you.
And know that others will walk your path after you and in this sense you are a trailblazer and a wayshower for the future. Which is really exciting!
But the main message is that any sense of loneliness is an illusion – so don’t let it hold you back. Instead, keep moving forward even if you aren’t really sure where you are going. You only need to know the next two steps – not the next 2,000.
I’m so glad you turned me onto this deck. I love the feminine energy of this Hermit. Here’s a link to the PT Hermit: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=669107266439766&set=a.602778586405968.153794.595881230429037&type=1&theater
Don’t freak out. These cards are making me freak out. Maybe it’s just me. Tell me what you think. I think I’ve entered an alternate universe since last Wednesday. Just an effin’ week ago!!
So cool! Love it 🙂 I like this deck – normally I don’t go in for photo type decks, but this one is different.
I know! I usually run from home-made looking, here-are-my-friends types of decks, but this one is really rocking my tiny world. I’ll get a first edition of these majors from Theresa soon. It will be very interesting to see how they read for me.
Kate, this is just almost shocking how closely this relates to me at this point and time. I have really been feeling as though I’m walking completely alone on my journey, even feel somewhat out of place at times because I have no one around me that I can relate to so this is dead on for how I’m feeling! Amazing, and I really needed this to remind myself that others have been where I am and are still and will continue to follow long after I’ve moved on. Thanks for this message. It is greatly welcome.
Mel, you are definitely not alone – I also feel this way (which is probably why I interpreted this card in this light). I am so glad it resonated with you and hopefully made you feel less alone 🙂
Trailblazers, by reason of their task, walk alone, clearing the path for those who follow.
The trailblazer’s challenges are to be both careful, because the trail hides dangers; but also daring, trusting knowledge and intuition to get through the obstacles.
This card brings to mind the elemental spirit Centella Ndoki in my tradition–whose day coincidentally is Wednesday. That is her color, and she is the wind, storms, lightning, and the leader of the dead. A trailblazer in many ways. (Veronica would love her.)
Thank you for the insights, and for showing this deck–I want it!
Thanks Antonio, for sharing this – I will look into Centella Ndoki – her name rings a bell. Yes, you would love this deck – I am actually just writing a review of it right now and it should be up on my site in the next week or so.
The site doesn’t let me know when someone has commented on the cards.
Centella sounds familiar because a long time ago you had a belly dancing video dancing with swords., and I mentioned the energy was that of Centella Ndoki.
She is one of two ancestral spirits that guide me.
Veronica would love her energy, and I know Centella likes hers. 🙂
Thank you for your interpretation, you caught me again!
It’s interesting to see that the Hermit is presented by a woman. I especially like the colours on the card! xo
Yes, this is a unique rendition of The Hermit, I agree – this deck is different in that all the cards have women on them – even The Emperor and The Magician and the Kings.
Even the Kings?? :S Then what’s the difference between Kings and Queens?
The kings are wearing super-creepy tribal masks!