Today’s Angel card asks you to relax about your Divine Purpose.
If you have been fretting lately about whether or not you are doing what you are “supposed” to be doing, the answer is “yes”.
Your divine purpose is usually something very general and can be fulfilled in a million different ways. You are always living out your divine purpose to a certain extent, no matter what.
However, lately you have felt like you could be doing more and you tell yourself that if you figured out what you were meant to do, things would feel right.
Beware that part of this is just your ego’s way of making you feel like you aren’t good enough and your not doing it right, but part of it is your genuine intuitive sense that things could be better.
So ask yourself: What do I want more of in my life? What would I do if money was no object? ~ Asking these two questions will give you some clues about the nature of your divine purpose.
Hope the class was wonderful! Because you have amazing insights and great ways to share them!