Tarot Reading for March 11 – 17

My sweet boy Henry has joined me yet again for another Tarot reading session….this time with The Dark Mansion Tarot.

Henry was busy sleeping on the window sill in the living room when I rudely woke him up saying “Henry, I want you in my video – people really liked you last week!” Henry didn’t give a shit about being in my video again, but I hauled him over to my reading table and plopped him down. He immediately curled up and went back to sleep!

I hope you have a good week and thank you for watching!!!

2 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for March 11 – 17”

  1. Oh wow. Your readings always fit like they are just for me. They are usually so positive. This reading is not particularly positive but again, it fits exactly for me. Simplify your life. Five of Cups is not my favorite. It can mean bad news, or even sudden death or unexpected loss-in my experience it is not a good card and it is a warning card. It usually comes up and keeps coming up until the event happens. Actually not really any of my favorite cards up there, but they fit so well. For example, I’m studying for a national test for an add on career thing. It’s a big deal and I’ve given myself 30 days to pass the test. I caught a flu last week, it went away and came back so I am not feeling my best to do this. hahahahahah I am a counselor and healer full time, I also make jewelry and candles and sell those to pay for the hobby. I’m now taking on this other thing, or renewing it as I used to do this full time and the other stuff part time. I want to make travel a serious activity on top of all the other things. You see? This is my mind right now. Licenses, big cart of thoughts and stuff. 10 of wands much? 2 of Swords much? and I really hope the 5 of cups is gone soon and isn’t that bad.

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