Tarot Reading for July 18 – 24

For this reading, I’m outside among the grapevines and using The Light Seer’s Tarot

Have a great week 🙂

2 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for July 18 – 24”

  1. Hi Kate, love the colourful reading among the grapevines, so green, and fresh, and natural. I thought I would contribute as I was drawn to the Celtic triple spiral symbol on the lady’s back in the 3 of Cups, so I looked it up. I knew it referred to spirit, but it is more complex than that. It is believed to represent a tale of forward motion to reach understanding, which would link to The Chariot card at the beginning of the week. We need to move forward with our understanding. I don’t disagree with your interpretation and, of course, why would I ? I was guided to you, to be my first mentor! For which I am very grateful, thank you! However I have a slightly different take once again, from a more spiritual perspective. Your reading relates more to exterior life, whereas mine relates more to the interior! You mention the black and white horses which represent the conscious/unconscious- yes, the yin, yang…the light/dark. And Temperance being about getting the balance right in your life; work hard, play hard! Or rather don’t work too hard, and don’t forget to enjoy yourself which, of course, is great advice. But I see this as time to align with your interior and exterior world. Get the balance right within and without. Wake up! When everybody aligns the world will be a difference place and we will all be celebrating! It’s a consistent message from divine right now, with the cosmic shift I keep mentioning! I usually see the 3 of Cups as celebration and fun too but, today, with the distinct symbol, there is an additional message which refers to the spiritual world, the present world and the celestial world- especially as directly ahead on the card is a constellation of stars- the name of which escapes me just now! Not to mention the importance of number 3!

    1. Hello Lisa,your take on this week’s reading from Kate is very inspiring indeed.It gave me food for thought at the different aspect that you presented.So,Kate pulled 2 cards of the major arcana and in line with that and your take on Kate’s reading,I think that the Hanged Man is appropriate since that refers to viewing things from a different perspective.

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