Your head and your heart are intimately connected and the Three of Swords Tarot card wants to remind you of that. Your thoughts deeply effect how you feel about yourself and how you relate to others right now.
The Three of Swords usually comes up when you are causing yourself unnecessary emotional pain. What kind of thoughts are running through that head of yours today? How are they are making you feel?
You may be taking things a little to personally right now – like reading too much into something someone said and then playing it over in your mind and feeling all sad and glum. Slap yourself out of this funk! It is a waste of time!
So funny, Kate. I usually wait until later in the day to read your post, but just now, I’m grappling with something and didn’t know what to do with it, and thought, “Let’s go see what Kate’s draw is for the day.” And it’s perfect advice!
Very appreciative thanks for pointing out the correct path to travel through this issue.
Oh that’s great! I love that! Thanks for letting me know 🙂
Wow, how appropriate! I feel as though I have been stabbed through the heart but a lot of it is in my head. I like the pity party bit, good take on it.
Good to hear it resonated with you, Denise! I know, sometimes I make more of an internal drama over minor things too 😉
This absolutely sums it right up for me today. I really have to learn that some things I just can’t help or change so I need to just let it go and stop beating myself up about it, shift my focus to something more positive and have at it. Spot on message as always, Kate!
Thanks Mel, glad my reading made sense to you 🙂
Yeah. Just how I’m feeling. 🙁 My heart tells me “let it go” and my mind says “stick to your decision, be strong woman!” So I’m listening to both. I felt trapped but it was like I hide that feeling from myself. I even had a dream I was in jail which really was a school. I take it it means feeling trapped and learning from it. I also saw a nun in the room I was assigned to. (Have faith and pray.) Wish me luck as I’m going to face this problem today. Thanks Kate!
Erica – good luck! That is such an interesting and powerful dream, wow. Aren’t dreams amazing?! Just remember that “letting it go” doesn’t have to equal weakness.
Wow! Interesting take on this card but very insightful.