The High Priestess steps onto the scene today to remind you of the cycles of life. These cycles represents the ever-changing nature of your life and the fact that everything is in a state of flux, all the time.
Step back and just observe things as they shift and change. Don’t try to force anything, just get out of the way and let things unfold. This is the best thing you can do today!
If you are feeling moody, observe your emotions as if they are a guest in your body – welcome them, be kind, and know that they won’t stay forever. This kind of conscious awareness is true wisdom!
Hey, Kate–
I’m sort of working backwards, from your Thursday, Queen of Swords, draw back to this Wednesday, High Priestess, draw. And I’m liking the way they are seeming like the inside and the outside of a connected process. Although I most often associate the QSwords with Justice, and The HP with the Queen of Cups, just now, I’m seeing a nice correlation the other way just now.
I’ll go think about that.
The High Priestess is spot on for me today. I’m definitely feeling moody and as though my shadow side is needing some attention. The High Priestess is a great reminder to just allow the ebb and flow of what needs to work itself out and to trust that it will do just that. Thanks, Kate 🙂
Your welcome! 🙂
What a metaphor with emotions and the guests, I love it! New thing for me, that this High Priestess has an additional meaning concerning cycles of life. I like the deep blue on the card also!
Yes! The High Priestess is all about the cycles.