Tarot Challenges

My Interpretation of These 3 Craptastic Cards (Tarot Challenge)

Last week, I posed a “Tarot Challenge“, where I asked you to interpret this reading in a positive, empowering way.

First of all, I’ve been LOVING all the comments! I waited until I had written my own interpretation to read everyone’s responses, because I knew it would influence how I saw the cards.

And before I get into my own take on the cards, I just want to say…

Thank you!!!

Big hugs to everyone who participated in this “Tarot Challenge” – it was so much fun to read through your take on the cards. Honestly, I am blown away by the insights and wisdom in all the responses and I feel somewhat intimidated, but also very very lucky to have such brilliant Tarot readers reading my blog!

I think I may do a “Tarot Challenge” each month from now on, as I think its an awesome way to practice and learn 🙂

As promised, here is my own interpretation of these cards:

Universal Waite Tarot

Just to refresh your memory, I am doing this reading for Xavier (a sexy, make believe person) and his issue is this: “my life is not going anywhere. I have been stuck in the same crappy job for the past 6 years, living in my parents basement and have been single for 3 years. I can’t seem to meet the right person, no matter what I do. It feels like I am not progressing in life and I have no idea why or what I can do to change things. Help!”

I ended up reading these cards in a past/present/future framework because that is what seemed to work best for me.


The Ten of Swords

ten of swordsMy attention is immediately drawn to the center card and it kind of makes me chuckle that for someone who complains of being “stuck”, the guy in the Ten of Swords is quite literally stuck – with ten swords!

For the most part, I feel that the Ten of Swords is simply illustrating how you feel right now.

But number 10 cards often symbolize an ending of a phase and this shows that, although it may not feel like it now, things will be on the upswing sooner than you expect.

The Tower

the towerThe Tower has shown up in the past position, which suggests you had some kind of shock a few years back that has caused you to feel a bit fearful about taking risks and moving forward.

Perhaps this card refers to the end of a relationship, loss of a job or even some kind of upheaval within your family. But whatever it was it made you appreciate and yearn for  safety and comfort.

This desire for comfort and safety has often kept you stuck and you may catch yourself thinking things like “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.”

The sooner you can let go of that mindset, the quicker you will move forward with things and create change. Do you have a thirst for adventure? For taking the odd risk? For trying new things?

Try changing just one habit you have or doing just one new thing a week. For example, go indoor rock climbing or to see a movie by yourself – anything as long as its something different from your normal routine. This will help shake things up energetically and get things moving in a new direction.

I suspect there is something you have been wanting to do for a while now, but you keep hesitating and holding back. Now is the time to do that thing!

Also, using the affirmation “it is safe for me to create change in my life” will be very helpful to you as you move forward.

If you can, write those words down on an index card and tape it up somewhere you can see it everyday, like your bathroom mirror. Yes, I know that sounds really lame and self-helpy, but try it!


deathDeath shows up in the “future” position and thank God for that!

Death ultimately means change. The end of something which will always precedes a new beginning. Nothing is meant to last forever. And really, what a relief that is!

So big change is on the horizon for you, but in order for those changes to happen, you really need to let go of many things.

You will most likely need to release old thinking patterns, limiting self-beliefs, the fear of change (which we all have to some degree) and embrace a new way of thinking and being in the world.

This sounds like an enormous task, but don’t let it overwhelm you. What are a couple of things you could do this week that would help you get on the track to changing your thoughts and feelings?

[If Xavier can’t think of anything, then I might suggest a meditation technique, a book or journaling exercise. I find it’s more powerful if he comes up with something on his own, because often we know deep down what things we need to do in order to create change.]

The “Big Picture” view

When I look at all these cards together, I notice that movement is the theme that really stands out. Let me explain.

In The Tower, we have downward movement (the figures are falling) showing a feeling of loss of control. This lead you to feeling stuck, which is shown by the Ten of Swords where there is no movement happening at all. Then, with Death, forward motion is finally happening! And of course, the sun is rising in the distance. It is the dawn of a new day in your life and today is the turning point.

Xavier, what you do today will determine what happens tomorrow, so embrace your own power to create change in your life. Don’t wait around for something to happen. Get out there and do stuff!

A tip for interpreting “negative” Tarot cards

See if you can come up with at least one or two action steps – this adds that empowering element to a reading.

For example, in this reading I used the Death card to come up with some things Xavier could do (journalling, meditation or reading a book) that would help him change his mindset.

Your client (or you, if your reading for yourself) will come away from the reading feeling like they have something they can actually do about things, rather than feel helpless and powerless.

*If you enjoyed this topic, I will be unveiling my brand new e-course The Art of Tarot: How to Read a Negative Card in a Positive Light this month. It will be chalk-full of tips like this, as well as videos, audio lessons, fun worksheets and more!


My Interpretation of These 3 Craptastic Cards (Tarot Challenge) Read More »

How would YOU interpret this reading?

Are you up for a Tarot challenge?


Okay, so let’s say your giving a reading to a close friend (lets call him Xavier, because that’s a pretty sexy name).

He moans “my life is not going anywhere. I have been stuck in the same crappy job for the past 6 years, living in my parents basement and have been single for 3 years. I can’t seem to meet the right person, no matter what I do. It feels like I am not progressing in life and I have no idea why or what I can do to change things. Help!”

You shuffle the deck and this is what comes up:


Now, how would YOU interpret these cards?

But here’s the “challenge”: How would you interpret these cards in a way that is uplifting and empowering, without being sugarcoated?

*Please note that I am not using any particular spread, so you can interpret these cards any way you like.

What advice would you give Xavier?

Feel free to share your interpretation in the comments below – I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

In one week, I will post my own interpretation here. But remember there are many, many ways to interpret this reading – there is no one “right” way. So put on your Tarot reading glasses and go to town!

How would YOU interpret this reading? Read More »