Weekly Tarot Forecast Videos

Tarot Reading for March 16 – 22

I don’t know about you, but it’s pandemonium where I live – insane grocery store lineups, no toilet paper, etc. Everyone’s ramping up for impending closures and disaster and it feels a bit apocalyptic.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed by stuff like this, I just look at my cats – they don’t give a sh*t about anything! Not a care in the world! But if you don’t have cats, hopefully this Tarot reading (using the Spacious Tarot) will help calm your mind a bit….

Take care of yourself and stay healthy,

Tarot Reading for March 16 – 22

Tarot Reading for Feb 3 – 9

Today I did something I NEVER do – I got up at 8am and went to a high intensity kickboxing class. It completely zapped my energy for the rest of the day and really threw me through a loop!

When I first uploaded this week’s reading video, it had terrible sound but I didn’t notice until I checked the youtube comments two days later (!) – So I re-did this week’s reading video and I have re-posted below. My apologies if you tried to watch the first video!

I’m using the Universal Waite Tarot here…

Have a good week ๐Ÿ™‚

Tarot Reading for Feb 3 – 9