ten of swords tarot

Embracing Sadness ~ Ten of Swords (Thursday)

10 of swords
Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahony

The Ten of Swords has appeared today to let you know that you have some sadness that needs to be released.

This can happen in three ways – you may unconsciously create a situation in which you can feel sadness and express it, or you will have a sad dream which allows you to feel intense emotion or you can just feel the feeling of grief/sadness and let it move through your body until it is released.

The last option is best as it is quickest and will not create added drama. Something has come to and end and this is just the last phase of release – then you will be free to turn over a new leaf and start things afresh!

The key is to not be afraid of this emotion – the feeling itself is harmless, it is only when you try to avoid the feeling that it becomes uncomfortable.


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Ten of Swords ~ Tarot Reading for Wednesday

ten of swords tarot card
The Dream Enchantress Tarot by Marco Nizzoli

Today’s Tarot card, Ten of Swords, asks the question what happens after you have slayed all your dragons? What will be left for you to focus on?

Sometimes our “problems” become a big part of who we are and we can harbor a secret fear that life will be boring and empty once all the drama has ended. Conflict isn’t just stressful – it can also be exciting and entertaining. Drama can definitely add a certain spiciness to life!

So when you say that you “don’t want anymore drama”, are you being completely honest with yourself?

Another theme I get from this card is that we are all ONE, and we are all deeply connected to each other. So if we hurt, despise or attack someone else, we are also doing this to a part of ourselves. The dragon in this card represents the Shadow Self, the aspect of our self that we deny and repress. When we recognize this aspect in others, we seek to destroy or criticize them.

In this way, the “drama” that we create in our lives is often a way for us to engage with our shadow aspects in the hope that they will eventually be healed. This Ten of Swords tarot card suggests that instead of slaying your dragon, make friends with it and notice how it begins to transform your life!


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