Let Go of Stress! ~ Oracle Reading for Thursday

guidance dogs oracle cards
Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards by Kirsten Laulainen

Today is a great day to let go of any stress that is effecting you. Actually, every day is a good day to do this! One of the best ways to do this is to look to animals for guidance.

Try looking at your problem or stressful issue through the eyes of your dog or cat. This will probably make you laugh, as you won’t be able to imagine your dog getting all worked up about a deadline or what someone thinks of him.

So if you feel yourself start to stress out about something, stop and ask yourself what your cat would do in this situation. And take a few deep breaths!

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Ten of Pentacles ~ Tarot Reading for Wednesday

Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Today’s daily tarot card is Ten of Pentacles (or Ten of Discs) from the Intuitive Tarot. The message I get from this card is this:  collaboration is great, but don’t sacrifice your individuality in order to be more acceptable to the group.

The Ten of Pentacles speaks of our strength in numbers and the power of connecting and collaborating with others. You may get the chance to be a vital aspect of a group this week.

While it is truly amazing what we can accomplish when we pool our resources and minds together, there is a downside to the Ten of Pentacles…

Sometimes we may feel that in order to be accepted by a group – whether its social or business related – we must dial ourselves down so we harmonize more easily with others. This can make our group interactions feel inauthentic and stressful. Be sure that the group you join values your individual, unique talents and doesn’t demand that you change yourself to fit in.

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The Moon ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

The Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

Today is a good day to rest, meditate, go within and wait things out. The Moon tarot card suggests that if you are tying to make a decision, wait until there is more information.

There is a time for action and being outgoing and a time for stillness and quiet reflection. Today is a time for quiet. Instead of listening to the many voices of those around you, tune into the soft, inner voice of your intuition.

The Moon tarot card also symbolizes the subconscious and dreams. What themes have been showing up in your dreams lately? This can be a powerful key to unlocking your subconscious issues and drives.

Check out my Full Moon Reading and get the free mp3 download – I did this reading on the Blue Moon (the second full moon in August!) to give us guidance about the upcoming month and what it has to offer.


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Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ A New Dawn

Dolphins & Mermaids Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Happy Monday! Today’s oracle card, A New Dawn, emphasizes new beginnings and fresh starts. The message on the card reads “The worst is now behind you, and positive new experiences are on the horizon.”

New opportunities may present themselves today, bringing you excitement and a chance to grow into your talents. Take a relaxed approach and watch as things unfold before you. You really don’t have to do too much right now – everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

As you step into this new era of your life, ask yourself what you are most excited about – what are you looking forward to the most? Doing this can really help draw positive experiences toward you.

This oracle card suggests that moving forward, you will have more opportunities to use your innate, natural talents which bring clarity about life path issues. What innate skills do you have that you would like to use more often? What “gifts” are you wanting to share with others? If you read tarot or oracle cards, you may want to try out my Sharing Your Gifts Tarot Spread.

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Beauty ~ Oracle Card Reading for Sat & Sun

guidance dogs oracle cards
Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards by Kirsten Laulainen

This weekend, look around you and truly appreciate the beauty that is present in your life. What is beautiful about your home? What is beautiful about the area you live in? Really enjoy these things this weekend!

Today’s oracle card reading suggests that you might want to do one or two small things this weekend to enhance the beauty of your surroundings. Light some pretty candles, pick fresh flowers, buy a new plant, or hang a new picture. Sometimes its the little things that make a big difference.

When your environment is beautiful, you will enhance your energy and personal vibration. When your mood is lifted, you will find it easier to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and as a result feel more spiritually connected.

Likewise, unattractive things in our environment can drag our energy down. Look around your home and get rid of anything that makes you cringe when you look at it. For me, this is the cardboard box and old newspapers sitting in my hallway! Today’s oracle card reading suggest that once you get rid of the things that look like crap, you will change the overall energy of your home.


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Ace of Cups ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Friday!

New Palladini Tarot
Happy Friday! Today’s tarot card is the Ace of Cups. Abundance, good feelings and joy will be in large supply for you today as you enjoy good times with friends and family.

You may be feeling extra social today and others will be drawn to your natural enthusiasm and upbeat attitude. Take stock of everything in your life that you enjoy and that brings you happiness, as this will put you in an even better mood.

Today is the perfect day to meet new people or join a social group of some kind. Since the Ace of Cups is a card of beginnings, as all Aces are, this suggests that you will have an easy time forming new friendships today and going into the weekend.

The other message I got with this card was that it is really important to foster emotional connections with others today. Be heart centered in your communications with those around you and don’t be afraid to show your emotions, particularly when expressing gratitude and appreciation for someone in your life.

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Daily Oracle Card for Thursday ~ Forest (Breath)

Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer

Today’s daily oracle card invites you to explore the calming power of your breath and the grounding energy of the forest.

If you feel stressed today, remember to breathe. Connect to your breath by letting your attention focus solely on your breathing – even just for a minute. Draw your breath deep into your belly and on the exhale, send your energy down your legs and into the ground.

With every inhale, your body is in receptive mode and then switches to a more outward giving mode on the exhale. Your ability to take deep, nourishing breaths is tied to your ability to receive guidance and inspiration from your higher self.

The exhale is related to how well you are able to express that guidance and inspiration and manifest your visions in the physical world. So spend time connecting with your breath and work towards improving how you breathe, as your breathing effects your overall health and happiness.


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Daily Tarot Card for Wednesday ~ The Creator

osho zen tarot cards
Osho Zen Tarot

Today’s tarot card, The Creator, is from the Osho Zen Tarot. Creativity will come into your life in full force today, so look out! That creative spark within you wants a chance to come out and shine.

This will feel wonderful if you are ready to express your creativity and take action in creating what you envision. But if you are fearful in any way, it can feel frustrating!

To help process this ever-increasing energy within you, ask yourself these questions:

1) If there were no limits, what would you want to create?
2) What can you create today or this week that would satisfy your creativity?
3) What do I need to do or to let go of in order to feel comfortable expressing myself fully?

The Creator is one of the most confident, powerful cards in the Osho Zen Tarot. He reminds you that you have his power and confidence available to you if you choose to use it!

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Oracle Card Reading for Tuesday ~ Let It Go (Quan Yin)

doreen virtue oracle cards
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s oracle card reading turned up the goddess Quan Yin whose message is “let it go.”  If you are feeling stuck, held back or just drained of energy, ask yourself if there is anything you need to let go of.

If you are holding onto any resentment or anger, now is a good time to let that go. When your energy and focus is all tied up in being irritated or upset about past events, you have less time and creativity to spend on creating a rewarding life.

So ask yourself what do you need to do, say or believe in order to let it go and move on? Can you imagine what it would be like to let go of all the old resentments and frustrations?

Letting go of what you tightly cling to today will free up your energy for tomorrow. Lightness of being and inner peace come from your ability to release past hurt and move forward on your path. Today’s oracle card reading urges you to be gentle with yourself as you do this and give yourself the time and nurturing that you need.

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Daily Tarot Card for Monday ~ The Wheel of Fortune

wheel of fortune tarot card
The Dream Enchantress Tarot by Marco Nizzoli

The tarot card for today is The Wheel of Fortune and it’s main message is that you are the captain of your own ship. Life is an adventure and you can decide what areas you would like to explore.

Take on an adventurous spirit today and try something just for the fun of it. Do something you have wanted to do for a while, but have been hesitating. Stop worrying about what others will think!

Part of being the captain of your own ship means that at times you will feel all alone on your journey. Some of your major life decisions may be unpopular with family and friends, but it is important to be true to your self and listen intently to the voice of your soul.

Staying centered is an important aspect of The Wheel of Fortune. Your day (and your life) will have it’s ups and downs, but the more you detach from expecting a particular outcome, the freer you will be.

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