Welcome to my Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series! Each week I’ll be taking you on a Tarot journey into ONE major arcana card to uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages and giving you some Tarot journalling questions to ponder…
The Fool
Join me as I dive into The Fool to reveal his secrets, wisdom, dark side and most importantly – what he’s trying to tell you about YOUR life!
Keywords: New beginnings, risk, adventure, trust and optimism!
The Magician
Let’s dive into The Magician – sexy, sneaky, seductive and powerful, he has a wealth of wisdom to share with us!
Keywords: manifesting, direction, illusion & trickery
The High Priestess
Let’s dive into The High Priestess – perhaps the most mysterious and secretive card in your Tarot deck!
Keywords: subconscious, intuition, cycles & rhythms
The Empress
Today we’re diving into The Empress – the sensual and luscious mother-goddess of the Tarot! Grab a pen and notebook, make yourself a cup of hot cocoa and let’s settle in together….
Keywords: abundance, creativity, nurturing, allowing & receptivity
The Emperor
Get ready to dive into The Emperor – perhaps one of the most misunderstood figures in the Tarot. Everyone thinks he’s a stuffed shirt, but he’s actually quite the rebel!
Keywords: Sovereignty, stubborness, power & control
The Hierophant
Today we’re diving into The Hierophant – one of the least “fun” Tarot cards, but fascinating nonetheless!
Keywords: Institutions, conformity, teacher
The Lovers
Today we’re diving into The Lovers – one of the juiciest cards in the whole deck! YES! Grab your Tarot journal and pen, make yourself a hot cup of something and settle in….
Keywords: attraction, temptation, primal desire
The Chariot
Today we’re diving into The Chariot – a positive and powerful card that’s full of energy, drive and forward motion!
Keywords: progress, success, alignment
Today we’re diving into Strength to explore how gentleness (the maiden) can relate to wildness (Lion) and how we can face our fears and meet our challenges with gentleness, respect and compassion.
Keywords: Inner power, gentleness, respect, compassion, boundaries
The Hermit
Get ready to explore The Hermit – the most introverted card in the whole Tarot deck! It’s also my favourite…
Keywords: Solitude, introspection, spiritual journey
Wheel of Fortune
Let’s find out what Wheel of Fortune REALLY means! This card – because of it’s many mysterious symbols – has often eluded readers. So let’s unravel it’s mystery a little…
Keywords: Change, cycles, centering
Believe it or not, Justice is the card I used to struggle with the most – it always felt cold and serious to me, until I made a few discoveries…
Keywords: Balance, Truth Seeker, Cool Rationality
The Hanged Man
Join me as I dive into The Hanged Man, a powerful symbol of the spiritual path we are all on – both individually and collectively!
Keywords: Powerless, Surrender, Enlightenment
The most iconic Tarot card in the whole deck is Death, a powerful card of change, endings and transformation. Let’s dive in…
Keywords: Endings, Impermanence, Transition
Now here’s a Tarot card that is decidedly unsexy and a wee bit boring…or is it? There’s more to wholesome Temperance than meets the eye…
Keywords: Moderation, Healing, Balance, Divine Guidance
The Devil
Let’s dive into one of the most intense and horny cards in the Major Arcana! Some are afraid of this card, but here’s a trick: The Devil is just the opposite of enlightenment…
Keywords: Addictions, Surrendering your power, unenlightenment
The Tower
Let’s dive into The Tower – a card of upheaval, destruction and collapse (and rampant phallic symbolism!)… so fun stuff 😉
Keywords: Destruction, Sudden Collapse, Flash of Enlightenment, Being set free.
The Star
Today we’re diving into The Star – my absolute FAVOURITE Tarot card in the whole deck! It’s a card of peace, hope and trust in the divine cosmic plan.
Keywords: Hope, peace, trust, divine cosmic order
The Moon
Diving into The Moon is a fascinating experience – it’s a card of mystery, dreams, unconscious influences and that which is hidden!
Keywords: unconscious, mystery, unknown, what is hidden, cycles and patterns
The Sun
Let’s dive into The Sun – the most positive, radiant, joyful card in the Tarot deck. After all the drama of The Moon, it’s a welcome relief!
Keywords: joy, optimism, radiant, expansive energy, playful, innocence
Let’s explore the Judgement card…which surprisingly is the least judgy of them all!
Keywords: rebirth, awakening, inner/higher calling
The World
Finally! The very last Tarot card in the Major Arcana….where The Fool’s journey comes to completion.
Keywords: completion, wholeness, integration, connection, openness
***Check out my Tarot meaning deep dives for the Court Cards and Minor Arcana***