Tuesday’s Tarot card is number 13 – Changing, also known as the Death card in most Tarot decks. You are in a time of transition right now – beautifully moving from an introverted, meditative state into a more outgoing, sunshiny way of life.
As you outgrow certain things, you will find yourself blossoming into your full potential – this is a time of movement from Winter to Spring for the Soul – a time of transition, change and growth.
You may feel the urge today to do something a little out of character – something very brave and bold – something that will help others and let you truly shine your light.
You have so much to offer and the more fearless you are about putting yourself “out there”, the more you will be able to inspire and support others along their path, even if you aren’t aware of it at the time!
I’m the Joan from Georgia Jamie mentioned. Funny, or not, I live a quarter of a mile from a nuclear power plant (which is not an issue) but as I felt the strangeness in the air while walking my dog I saw an unfamiliar orange light over the plant. I’m sure it’s always been there but today I noticed it. Second chakra stuff is happening.
Okay, seriously? WHAT is going on?? You are pulling cards from Saturday–and I am pulling cards here from YOUR draws! Last night, drew again before going to bed and got the Six of Cups AGAIN–second time in a day, on one of the days that you were talking about being Six-of-Cups-ish.
Also, oh yes, hadn’t even read this yet, and have already had a very serious experience of this Changing energy.
I’m sending this link to my friend Joan in Georgia, who just wrote me to say she felt their was big CHANGE in the air today . . .
You got the Six of Cups again?! It must be a sticky card or something! lol.
And it was even from A DIFFERENT DECK!!!!!!
(Okay, that was perhaps one or two more exclamation points than was strictly necessary . . .)
I posted on this site. I feel a definite 2nd chakra energy going on.
Hi, Joan!
We’ve got to connect in the next couple of days.
What a wonderful interpretation. This is exactly where I am at this point. The Death card has become one that I like, which disturbs some people. Alot are taken aback by it. In my opinion, if change and growth are embraced it can just make life even more magical.
I look forward to your readings every day, Kate. Thank you!
Thank you Maureen! yes, the Death card is positive in so many ways – it took me a long time to warm up to it, but now it is a card that I welcome more than anything.
Did you find the little ship on the RWA Death card? Did you see Death’s spur pointing directly to it?
Kate and I were talking about Death this weekend, and we noticed there’s a little boat slipping by on the river under the Death figure’s horse’s belly. RWS, that is.
Nice to “meet” you.