You are a woman (or man) of many hats today! Or perhaps I should say arms. The Sage of Flames, also known as the Queen of Wands, appears to applaud you on your achievements as a divine multi-tasker!
You have what it takes to make things happen today – your on FIRE! Inspiration abounds, as does energy to act on it. A rare and highly prized combo, indeed. But it won’t last forever…
Get organized, prioritize, delegate, write it down and work your magic! You are unstoppable today, so enjoy it. This energy will be with you all week, but by the weekend you will need a long nap and some quality time watching fluffy rom-coms. Make sure you do your most important tasks at the beginning of the week.
And then . . . I took that CVT, which I’d previously trimmed, and realizing that it’s now-a-tiny-bit-raw-looking borders lessened their beauty, took an hour and a big, fat Sharpie (pemanent black marker) and edged them. They look FABULOUS. I don’t have the technological ability or I would take a pic and send it. But let me tell you, these cards were born to be edged in black.
Well, Kate, I might not have been a woman of many hats, but I WAS a woman of many WANDS!
I took out my (beautiful) CVT, b/c of Deniz’s comment to me about that deck’s Two of Wands (thanks, Deniz!). And she was so right. The CVT really seems to be a very clear representation of an idea that I can grasp: For me, the dragon the man is seated on is his energy. He’s looking across to another world to conquer or explore, but one of his wands is held sort of behind him. Taking all that together, I can easily see that this Two says, “Where do you want to direct your energy? Toward something new? Or toward maintaining something that you’ve already invested in?”
I think it was understanding the dragon as an embodiment of the guy’s creative energy that turned the key for me. Yay, CVT!
So, from there, I decided to just take a break and spend an hour with the whole CVT suit of Wands. Yummy. And if I’d had as many arms as the Queen in your illustration, I would have been looking at that many Wands cards at once.
So, I guess, in a way, I WAS the Queen of Wands today–weirdly literally!
Happy Wandness.
I love the Crystal Visions deck – especially the suit of Wands – aren’t they wonderful? Sounds like you had a good time with it!