Veronica is the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She spends her days eating bon bons, writing smut, and prowling around the neighborhood for younger men. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

Are you saving the fine china for “guests”? Are your lamp shades covered in plastic? Do you have protective coverings on your car seats? Well, knock it off! That’s totally lame!
The Four of Pentacles suggests you just may be hoarding the best parts of yourself for later. But there is no later! There is only NOW!
Of course, you are feeling all delicate about really busting loose and putting yourself out there. Just look at the face of that woman/cabinet. She is thinking “oh no, not the good china! It may get chipped or broken.”
Don’t be such a wimp. You have shiny, awesome things inside you – not literally, but metaphorically. Unless you’ve been eating jewelery. So share the best parts of yourself with others and don’t hold back.
And while your at it, take the plastic off your lampshades because it makes your living room look like Sears!
I love you Veronica! you make me laugh so much!
Veronica loves you too 😉
This a particularly fantastic read on this card, and I thank you for it!
You are funny as can be and with all that humor make your point(s) sing! I love this in particular: You have shiny, awesome things inside you – not literally . . . Unless you’ve been eating jewelery.
When you write your book, will you autograph my copy?
Your fan,
shiny/awesome jme
I love having “fans”! Its good for my already inflated ego. Yes, you can have an autographed copy of my upcoming book – but only because you loved my jewelry eating joke 😉
Kate is Veronica for real, or is it your alter ego, or maybe an unstable friend??? Either way I love it! btw just about ready to watch your Wildwood Tarot reading you posted on YT. Incredible deck…have it myself. Keep up all the good work 🙂
hee hee…I’ll never tell 😉
Yes, the Wildwood Tarot is a neat one, that’s for sure!
Love this post!!! What you are saying is so TRUE!!! I will make a conscious effort to shine today 😉
Yay! 🙂
Hello Kate, thank you for your posts. I really enjoy reading them and look forward to it. I had a question in mind since this card showed up today. There was someone who was asked “how can I tell if my boy friend is cheating on me”? The card that came up was 4 of pentacles. How would you interpret this card? Because he said this is a money card and she should organize her finances, once she does that she will know where the money goes and she will know if he cheats on her. It didnt make sense to me. Do you think you could help with this interpretation? Thanks a ton…Ruth
Hi Ruth,
Sorry I don’t do interpretations for others readings anymore (I get so many requests for this and it makes my head hurt to think that much!!!)
But maybe someone else will weigh in on what they think it means. Although that interpretation the reader gave is an interesting one, I wouldn’t have thought of that myself!
Ruth, to me, a reading relies on an intimate connection between the person drawing the cards (the reader) and the cards themselves and what the reader is seeing as significant in that very moment.
Since each person has their own associations with the cards that I would never have–as I would have associations no one else would–commenting on their take seems totally beside the point.
What are your thoughts about the personal aspect of reading the cards? Have you had experiences where you re-read someone else’s draw and felt you got something valuable from it?
Let me know!