Oracle Card Reading for the Upcoming Week!

Have a lovely week 🙂

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3 thoughts on “Oracle Card Reading for the Upcoming Week!”

  1. So funny! I have a meeting with two writers scheduled for Wednesday, and I ALREADY would rather be withdrawn mid-week. As soon as you said that about Freyja, I immediately thought, Darn! I wonder if I could get out of that!

    Thanks for a beautiful reading. I especially resonated with your take on the possibility of recognizing repeating patterns that you related to the Isolt card.

    Have a great week!

    1. you know, come to think of it – there’s something coming up for me Wednesday that I want to avoid but keep telling myself “don’t be such a wimp. grow up!” I will just have to imagine myself as Freyja – she’s looking pretty bad assed in this card!
      Good luck on Wed!

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