Veronica Noir is a perma-drunk whippersnapper who loves to give insensitive Tarot readings, pen crude stories and sleep til noon. She is also my evil twin, which is why I let her do these horrid readings on Friday’s….

Today’s message is from the fiery goddess Pele. She says “Be honest with yourself, bitch! What is your heart’s true desire?”
Well, she doesn’t actually say “bitch”, but she totally should have.
So listen up. What do you really want?
What would make your volcano ejacul…..I mean erupt?
This weekend is all about finding explosive passion and then dancing like a crazy woman (or man).
My guess is that your in one of those “bleh, I think I’ll stay in bed today reading werewolf erotic romance novels on my kindle rather than work” moods. I know how you feel!
Now snap out of it.
What truly lights you up? What energizes you? Go do it and stop pansy-footing around your life!
Your welcome 🙂
I love that card! This card had me singing an old school song by India called “Dancing on the fire”. I think I’ll be dancing like a crazy woman to that song tonight. Lol! Thanks V!
Thanks Veronica, exactly what’s on my agenda for the weekend!
Your welcome Kris! Have an erruptive weekend!
Nice reading. I love that card and I love that Goddess as well…Pele.
Thanks Tameko 🙂 I love Pele too, she’s awesome!