Veronica is my evil alter ego and she takes over my blog every friday. When she’s not looking at every Tarot card through a perverted lens, she’s getting bat-shit drunk on her balcony, reading trashy novels and eye-molesting every cute young boy toy that walks by. What oh what will she say this week?…

Happy Friday! Today’s Tarot card is Judgment.
Look closely and it would appear this mermaid is totally blowing something! A shell-flute – she’s blowing a shell-flute.
So the question is: what are you blowing this weekend?
Wait! That sounds filthy. Let me make it more spiritual for you.
What tune are you playing? What music are you making? What frequency are you vibrating at?
Because whatever your doing, your always broadcasting a frequency or energy of some sort. That energy is like a calling to other beings, things and experiences.
We’ve all heard those spiritually smug people say things like “what you do comes back to you, blah, blah” but that’s only part of the story.
So today, notice what horn are you blowing out to the world – what are you broadcasting?
And just be damn sure its hot, sexy and delicious tune!
I definitely need more naughty tarot in my life. I need to be my whole, naughty, foul-mouthed, enlightened and spiritual and loving dirty-minded self. THANK YOU for this confirmation from the Universe of a message they have been “trumpeting” at me the last couple of days REAL HARD. 😉
Ha! Good to hear, Talia 🙂
Your very insightful view of the card, especially how others notice is an idea to keep in one’s consciousness. It is easy to forget.
May Your weekend be full of joy, and may You blow pleasure to those young’ones.
Thanks Antonio! Hope you have a lovely weekend as well 🙂
Just got a promotion/new job so I’m spreading the word by celebrating and showing my gratitude to the people who have stood by me.
Mostly broadcasting -“I need sleep” to the world today ** sighhh*
I’ve been to the hair dressers today and they’ve trimmed my hair a lot shorter. I feel great! I feel reborn and so much younger than this morning!
Yay for shorter hair
There’s nothing like a new haircut to give you a new lease on life!
I’m liking that message. It was timely because I feel out of gas and need to re-center myself. Or made I just need a margaritas.
I’m having margaritas tonight Kathy – I’ll have one for you!
What a new perception ..over The Judgement Card..!!!
Surprising,Naughty…and yes spiritual .. 🙂