Veronica is my bad to the bone alter ego and she is here to slap some sense into you today! She took time out of her hectic day of relaxing, rejuvenating and re-energizing to write you this reading – so you’d better listen up and take her advice…

That’s what the Goddess Brigit is sayin’ to you right now.
Don’t let others manhandle you into doing stupid shit you don’t want to do this weekend. Stick to your guns.
If you set the intention to paint and meditate this weekend, and your most boring friend says “hey, lets go traipsing around stores all day long and buy a bunch of pointless crap,” you have to say NO!
Yes, people will try to drag you into their nonsense all weekend long if you let them.
Horrid family barbeques and tiresome fundraising events will consume your life if you’re not careful….so bring out your inner bitch – I mean Brigit – and start laying down the law.
You’ve got some serious shit to do this weekend and can’t be sidetracked by willy-nilly-nancies who wish to frittle away the day!
Thank you Veronica, Kate and Brigit,
This is a very timely card. I have homework piling up and I am in serious need of some time to myself. I’ve already been sucked into 4th of July party madness for today, but after that, its time to set those boundaries and stick to them. 60 pages of business 101 won’t read itself.
Blessed holiday to everyone! May you all emerge unscathed! 🙂
Good luck reading business 101 this weekend!
I pulled this very card just a couple of days ago…love, love, love this message! Brigit seems to really be making her point with me right now and I hear her loud and clear! Thanks! 🙂
Love your guts, Veronica – Unfortunately, I work weekends, in a Nursing Home – so will be faced with stupid shit & pointless crap, literally – Bwahahahaha!
LOL! You almost made me choke on my tea with that comment!
I love it when this card comes up she is such a fiery goddess.
It would be great to do just what I want . My weekend is already piling up with to-do things but this card is a good reminder to schedule in some serious me time 🙂
Have a good weekend Kate
Thanks Ellen I will and I hope you stick to your guns and take that me-time!