Today’s post is all about the four Tarot topics I most often get asked about!
Predicting the timing of events, reading Tarot reversals, making sense of repeating Tarot cards and how to store your Tarot deck when your not using it.
So I have rounded up the four articles that I wrote on these topics and squeezed them all into ONE handy dandy blog post – enjoy 🙂
Tarot & Timing: How to Predict When Something Will Happen
When will I meet my soul-mate? When will I find my dream job? When will my business take off?
These are some of the most common questions people ask their Tarot cards. Everyone wants to know when!
But is it possible to predict the future with Tarot cards and pinpoint specific time frames for events?
Let me give you some tips and tricks for doing readings about timing….Read more….

Reversed Tarot Cards: How to Read Them!
There are many wonderful ways to read a reversed Tarot card - in this article I give you some suggestions while keeping it simple and easy.
Find out:
Why you should read Tarot reversals
When you shouldn't read them
Who shouldn't bother reading reversals at all
And of course how to read a reversed Tarot card

Same Tarot Card Keeps Popping Up In Your Readings? This is What it Means...
Have you ever noticed how sometimes the SAME Tarot card will just keep showing up in your readings?
I call these repeating cards encore cards.
Check out my 3 step process for decoding the meaning of these cheeky, repeating cards! Read more....

Storing Your Tarot Cards: What You Need to Know
Where do YOU keep your cards when your not using them?
Does how you store your Tarot cards effect the accuracy of your readings?
In this article I share my own method for storing my Tarot decks and some tips for protecting the energy of your deck.

I liked reading and hearing your take on these particular questions. It was like a mini workshop. I’m new to your blog and enjoyed this.
Thank you Kathy – that’s good to hear 🙂