Team Players are Creepy

VeronicaAfter a two week hedonistic vacation, my evil twin Veronica is back!

knight of cups

When someone says “I’m a team player!” I immediate mistrust them.


Because “team player” is corporate slang for achieving success by climbing on the backs of others without them even knowing it! Ha!

And also because the term “team player” is just creepy. It makes me think of flourescent lighting, MJB coffee, crying in a public bathroom, and selling my soul for $12 and hour. Just an experience I once had.

What does all this have to do with the Knight of Cups? Let me tell you….

The Knight of Cups is not to be trusted. He’s a sneaky little bugger who will charm your panties off only to try to sell you Amway products or protein powder. Don’t fall into his sticky, sugary trap!

Others may present themselves to you in a highly appealing manner. Enjoy the show, but don’t get sucked in. It’s all a performance.

And for goodness sakes, don’t “invest” your money into anyone’s dreams or schemes (except your own) today.

4 thoughts on “Team Players are Creepy”

  1. Lovely! (Your definition of Team Player)
    A position I was working was “eliminated” from the Charity. The corporation’s way of getting rid of people they didn’t want anymore without legitimate reason. What did the “Nun” tell a fellow aquaintance/co-worker?? “She wasn’t a team player.”

    I learned alot from them. Their true colors! and you, my dear, couldn’t have said it any better.

  2. So flippin’ true of the downside of this Knight! (Not that the dreamy-oh-too-romantic upside is all that much better. Knight of Cups. The Surfer Dude of the Tarot.)


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