3 Tarot Quizzes to Spice up Your Life!

Are you in the mood for quizzes? I hope so!

I’ve compiled the 3 most popular quizzes on my site (okay, they’re the only 3) for you to dive into. So grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine, cozy up in your favorite armchair and let’s get down to it…

Tarot Quiz! What Suit Are You?

Universal Waite Tarot

Did you know that your personality falls into one of the four Tarot suits? Most people are either Cupsy, Wandsy, Swordsy or Pentaclesy.

This personality quiz was designed to help you understand each of the four Minor Arcana suits a little better…and give you some chuckles 😉

Take the Quiz!


Quiz: How Psychic Are You?


If you've ever suspected you might be a smidge more psychic (or intuitive) than your average Joe Schmoe, you will WANT to take this quiz!!!! Why? Because it's juicy, fun and will inspire you to be even more intuitive than you think you are...

Take the Quiz!


Are You A Terrible Person? Take the Quiz!

Okay, so this one's not actually about Tarot at all....and even worse, it was penned by my horrid twin Veronica (whose totally slutty and mean and has no ambition!).

This quiz exists for two reasons only: to give you a laugh and make you feel better (or worse) about yourself. What have you got to loose?

Take the Quiz!


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