Tarot Card Reading for July 27 – Aug 2

I can’t believe it’s almost August! Wow. Time is flying by. What am I doing with my life?!

I’m reading with the Everyday Witch Tarot here…

Feel free to add your own two cents here – what do YOU think these cards are telling us?

Have a good week 🙂

1 thought on “Tarot Card Reading for July 27 – Aug 2”

  1. Hi Kate,
    I see the Justice card as a reminder that justice is not necessarily reached through law and order (red book & black robe) but rather by showing compassion (purple backdrop) and lifting the “veil” (bandana) to see reality – fairness.
    Experiencing fairness or showing fairness then leads to Temperance, an opportunity to “collect ourselves” (stillness in a tree pose). This stillness brings out clarity, sensitivity, and understanding (blue, yellow, white, lavender colors depicted in the card).
    Finally, the King of Cups summarizes the learning of the previous days by underlining the importance of developing maturity in relationships, feelings, connections through blending emotions and rational mind.
    I envision that the “buzz” words this week through our activities and interactions will be fairness, stillness, and blending. Obviously, always a work in progress 🙂

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