Tarot Reading for Nov 15 – 21
For this week’s reading, I’m using an adorable deck, the Mystical Cats Tarot (by Lunaea Weatherstone & Mickie Mueller)….
Have a good week 🙂
Tarot Reading for Nov 15 – 21 Read More »
For this week’s reading, I’m using an adorable deck, the Mystical Cats Tarot (by Lunaea Weatherstone & Mickie Mueller)….
Have a good week 🙂
Tarot Reading for Nov 15 – 21 Read More »
Welcome to part 8 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.
Today we’re diving into The Chariot – a positive and powerful card that’s full of energy, drive and forward motion!
Grab your Tarot journal, a pen, and a hot cup of something good….
Keywords:Â progress, success, forward movement, alignment, triumph, gaining momentum
Symbols: black & white sphinxes, stars, moons and astrological signs (stars align), wings & wheels (movement and travel)
Light side: being in alignment, divine timing, success at something that is important to you.
Dark side: “progress” that isn’t aligned with one’s soul or higher purpose, empty success, “progress” without meaning or substance.
The Chariot is all about moving onward and upward, making big, bold strides forward and succeeding at whatever it is you put your attention on. Power, positivity and change are all hallmarks of this card.
The two sphinxes symbolize the motivations that drive you forward:
White sphinx = conscious ideals, goals and values
Black sphinx = subconscious desires, needs and fears
Journalling Questions:
♥ What is pulling you forward? What is your white sphinx (what you say you want)? What is your black sphinx (what you secretly long for)?
♥ What helps you succeed? (Think back to the last time you were successful at something)
Things must be in alignment if you are to move forward and succeed! You can work as hard as you like and be as talented as can be, but if things aren’t in alignment (right place/right time), it will feel like you’re treading water.
Outer alignment has to do with divine timing – think astrology and the positions of the stars, the phases of the moon and the seasons. Inner alignment has to do with your soul’s intentions, your unconscious/shadow desires and your conscious goals. When it’s all lined up, it’s full steam ahead!
Journalling Questions:
♥ Think of a goal you have – what does “conscious you” want? What does “shadow you” want? How can the needs of both be met?
♥ How can you incorporate astrology or moon phases and seasons into your manifestation plans?
“Progress” and “success” are really only progress and success if they’re in alignment with your higher ideals and goals. Otherwise, it’s just empty change or movement for the sake of it. If you’re trying to move forward in your life, consider the concept of alignment and ask yourself how you can use astrology, moon phases, seasons, and your own energy patterns to your advantage.
Let me know in the comments below…Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The Chariot? Or about yourself?
♥ Join me next week as I dive into Strength and unlock the mystery behind the maiden and the lion!
The Chariot – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »
For this week’s reading, I’m using The Awakened Soul Oracle…
Have a great week!
Oracle Reading for Nov 8 – 14 Read More »
Welcome to part 7 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.
Today we’re diving into The Lovers – one of the juiciest cards in the whole deck! YES!
Grab your Tarot journal and pen, make yourself a hot cup of something and settle in….
Keywords: relationship, attraction, temptation, seduction, choice, passion, primal desire for union, vulnerability
Symbols: snake (Eden), man and woman (polarities), erect mountain, flaming tree (passion), nudity (vulnerability, primal state)
Light side: Finding union with another, intimately merging with your polar opposite, passion and connection with a lover. Vulnerability plays a key role here.
Dark side: Losing yourself in the Other. Union that obliterates your sense of self (in a bad way) – like a toxic, co-dependant relationship. Giving into temptation as a way to forget yourself/abandon yourself.
The Lovers is all about attraction! Often, opposites attract and we find ourselves drawn to others who possess the qualities we lack. You can learn a lot about yourself just by paying attention to what you are attracted to.
Journalling Questions:
♥ Think of someone (real life or celeb) you’re VERY attracted to. Why? What about them is so attractive?
♥ What qualities in another will ignite you and draw you in?
The Lovers symbolizes temptation and the choices we make as a result of our temptations. Typically, the things that tempt us most are things that pull us out of ourselves and help us forget ourselves for a moment, like drugs, alcohol, food, sex, porn, gambling, shopping, gaming, excessive screen time or a lusty affair!
Journalling Questions:
♥ What tempts you? What does this temptation seem to promise?
♥ What brings you out of yourself? What lets you forget yourself?
♥ When was the last time you felt tempted? What did you choose? Why?
We are all driven by a human desire for connection and union – even it it’s subconscious or subliminal. If we look closely at our choices, actions, fears and desires, the primal desire for connection is often underlying these things. Vulnerability is required in order to truly connect with another, making the process somewhat terrifying and difficult.
Journalling Questions:
♥ How does your primal desire for union and connection drive you? What actions, decisions, priorities and choices have you made based on getting those desires/needs met?
♥ What does it mean to you to be vulnerable with another person?
We all long to merge with someone (or something!) and when romantic union happens, it has the potential to bring out the best in us and act as an avenue for growth, healing and ecstasy. It also has the potential to bring out the worst in us and bring our wounds, fears and dysfunctional patterns to the surface.
The Lovers advises you to know and understand the difference between connection with another and obliteration of self, because the two can never truly exist together.
Let me know in the comments below…Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The Lovers? Or about yourself?
♥ Join me next week as I dive into The Chariot – one of the fastest moving cards in the deck!
The Lovers – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »
Happy Halloween! Tonight I’m hunkering down with some good wine, some smelly cheese and my Tarot cards and I’m going to take my new Halloween Tarot Spread for a test drive!
For this week’s reading I’m using The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne…
Have a great week!
Tarot Reading for Nov 1- 7 Read More »
Chrissie M AND Susie
Congratulations to Chrissie and Susie ! I look forward to having you in my class 🙂
A big huge warm hug to everyone who entered ♥ I read each and every comment and I was truly impressed by the variety of responses and the wisdom, beauty and insight that came through with so many interpretations.
Choosing just two winners is always difficult for me. I short list the responses that stand out to me, then I short list my short list until I’ve whittled it down to just two. There were MANY on my short list!
Thank you everyone for taking the time to tune into these cards and share your insights – you are all wonderful Tarot readers full of light, creativity and love ♥
Registration just opened for my 4-week Tarot course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading, with classes starting on Nov 10th.
I realize that not everyone is in a financial position to take my course, even if they really, really want to. So I’m offering two free scholarships for two lucky Tarot students!
If you’d like to enter to win a free scholarship for my upcoming course on Intuitive Tarot Reading, here’s how to qualify….
1) Make sure you actually want to take my course. So if you’re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure it’s your cup of tea!
2) Have a look at the 3 cards below – they have advice for you about the week ahead. Using ONE SENTENCE PER CARD (yes, I know that’s hard!), what do you think that advice/message is?
*Please feel free to get creative here. Have fun with this! Be as serious or playful as you like. Your interpretations may or may not match the “book meanings” of the cards – that’s okay!
3) Post your interpretation in the comment section below.
(*Again, please keep it to ONE SENTENCE PER CARD – I plan on reading each and every post and if everyone writes a novel it makes it hard for me!)
The deadline for entering this challenge/contest is Monday, Nov 1st @ 12 noon PDT. I will post an update to this blog post, announcing the winners on Monday evening!!!
Good luck & have fun 🙂
Cards below are (from left to right): Strength, Queen of Pentacles, The Hermit
Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot
Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course! Read More »
Welcome to part 6 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.
Today we’re diving into The Hierophant – one of the least “fun” Tarot cards, but fascinating nonetheless!
You may want to grab your Tarot journal, make yourself some tea and settle in….
Tradition, established power structures, institutions, top down hierarchy, membership within a group, conformity, rules and customs, group-think, The System, taking a conventional path, a teacher who operates within a specific tradition or institution.
Crown, robe, stick, priest with monks, hand signal (ritual, pomp and ceremony, hierarchy)
Oppressive institutions and power structures that stunt the freedom and growth of an individual.
Providing a well worn path, structure and guidance as you unfold and develop.
The Hierophant represents institutions with established hierarchical power structures and traditions with rules, customs and rituals. Think religion, gov’t, law, education, military – but also powerful gangs, clubs and organizations.
Journalling Questions:
♥ What institutions have you experienced directly?
♥ What has this experience been like? How has it been helpful? Unhelpful?
The Hierophant is all about conformity and the sense of belonging and power that comes with that. Most groups have power structures, rules and some sort of ideology that one must conform to in exchange for membership. Whether you pledge allegiance to a New Age UFO cult, a biker gang, The Mafia or some conventional path laid out by The System, your conformity is in the realm of The Hierophant.
Journalling Questions:
♥ What is your relationship to conformity like? When was the last time you conformed? What does it feel like to conform? Or not conform?
♥ When (or where) in your life have you chosen a conventional path? How have you benefited from that?
The Hierophant can represent a teacher or guide who helps you learn and incorporate a “system” or set of rules, customs and ideology into your life. This can be a negative and/or positive thing. A good teacher shows you how to access your inner wisdom, while a bad teacher tries to replace your inner wisdom. Know the difference!
Journalling Questions:
♥ When has a teacher been most helpful for you?
♥ Where in your life do you need to get more in touch with your inner guide and wise person?
There’s a time to be a rebel and strike out on your own and there’s a time to take the well worn path and benefit from the wisdom, power and structure of a time tested tradition.
For those who need a little guidance, The Hierophant offers a ready-made blueprint and playbook for you to follow…just add conformity and obedience and you’re all set!
The illusion of The Hierophant is that he offers protection, certainty and a “safe plan” – he does not. Well, actually he does….but not forever. At a certain point we must all leap into the abyss and figure shit out for ourselves.
Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The Hierophant? Or about yourself? Let me know in the comments below…
♥ Join me next week as I dive into The Lovers – one of the juiciest Tarot cards yet!
The Hierophant – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »
For this week’s reading, I felt drawn to use the Light Seer’s Tarot…
Have a great week!
Tarot Reading for Oct 25 – 31 Read More »
Welcome to part 5 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.
Today we’re diving into The Emperor – perhaps one of the most misunderstood figures in the Tarot. Everyone thinks he’s a stuffed shirt, but he’s actually quite the rebel!
Have your pen and notebook handy, grab yourself a drinky-poo and get comfy….
Father archetype, authority, sovereignty, power & control, stubborn, maverick, rebel, trailblazer.
Ram’s heads (Aries- aggression, war), Throne, long beard (wisdom, experience)
Being overly stubborn, inflexible and rigid. Wanting power and control over others, to compensate for feeling powerless and out of control on the inside.
The Emperor, in his highest, most positive expression, has complete power and authority over himself. He lives by his own value system and set of rules – always doing things his way. Forging his own path, he becomes a trailblazer and some may even see him as a bit of a rebel.
Journalling questions:
♥ Where in your life have you been a bit of a rebel?
♥ How comfortable are you with self governance? Are you always looking for a set of rules or a formula for doing things?
♥ What values and rules do you use to “self-govern”?
There’s a time and place to be stubborn and dig in your heels, but sometimes this can be a fault if you’re totally inflexible all the time. The wise Emperor knows when to be stubborn and when to be flexible. The unwise Emperor derives his sense of self from maintaining a “my way or the highway” attitude at all times, closing himself off from people, experiences and growth.
Journalling questions:
♥ How stubborn are you? How has it served you?
♥ How has it stunted you? (Think of an example of when you were stubborn and later regretted it).
The Emperor is all about stability, power and control. A wise and healthy Emperor is a master of himself who practices self control and cultivates inner power. A dysfunctional Emperor lacks self control and inner power and so he seeks power and control over others, becoming an oppressive dictator who is obsessed with draconian laws and mandates.
Journalling questions:
♥ What is your relationship with power and control like?
♥ When you are put in a position of authority, how do you feel?
♥ When someone else is in the position of authority, how do you react?
The Emperor advises you to turn your desire for power and control toward development of your self, not the control of others. If you notice yourself wanting to change or control others, it’s time to check in with yourself and observe how you’re using your own power.
The wise Emperor tells you that when you focus on developing the power within, as opposed to power over others, you become empowered and sovereign. This makes you capable of walking your own path, charting your own course and being a wayshower to others – becoming a powerful figure in your own right!
Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The Emperor? Or about yourself? Let me know in the comments below…
♥ Join me next week as I dive into The Hierophant – stuffy and uptight on the outside, but a fascinating wealth of knowledge on the inside!
The Emperor – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »
I’m busting out the Bad Bitches Tarot for this week’s reading…
Have a good week 🙂
Tarot Reading for Oct 18 – 24 Read More »