Three of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Monday!

Today is a good time to take a break, catch your breath and evaluate how far you’ve come and where you are going. The Three of Wands Tarot card suggests that you are on the right path, but its time to shed a little more light on where you are headed.
If you’ve been busy lately, take a day off to rest, meditate and contemplate things. Remind yourself why you do the work that you do and get clear on your vision and purpose. When you take the time to regularly inspire yourself, your work takes on a whole new energy and meaning!
The Three of Wands shows that you have come a long way and this gives you a better perspective on things. You know yourself better than you did five years ago and this self-knowledge can be used to discern what you want to invest your energy into and what you want to put on the back burner. Take comfort in the fact that you are no longer stumbling through the darkness because you are the one who holds the light.
Three of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Monday! Read More »