crystal visions tarot

Page of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

Greetings! I returned home yesterday from my vacation in Alaska and after a full day of laundry, unpacking and doing the usual boring post-vacation stuff, I am excited to get back to my daily readings!

page of pentacles
Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Page of Pentacles, one of my faves! This card has come to speak to the student within you – the lifelong learner that loves learning new skills and reading countless books.

Today is the day to fully immerse yourself in learning something for its own sake. Don’t learn to better yourself – learn because its fun, because it lets you be in the moment.

Take an inquisitive approach to problems and challenges today. Do your research before making a decision and don’t assume you know how another person feels.

When it comes to being creative, don’t let your inexperience hold you back. So what if your artwork or music sucks? Keep at it and you’ll get way better than you ever thought possible. Be willing to experiment today!

Today’s question: if you had no fear, what creative skill would you want to learn? Let me know in the comments below…

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Eight of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Monday

Crystal Visions Tarot

The Eight of Swords has appeared because you may find yourself in the thick of self sabotage today. Self defeating thoughts may threaten to overwhelm you, keeping you blind to reality. Remember that things are not really how they seem when you are in a negative mindset.

If you find yourself feeling helpless, down in the dumps or even just confused, your task today is to pinpoint the negative thought (or thoughts) causing you stress and find a way to turn those thoughts around.

Those negative thoughts don’t need to exist – they are no more a reflection of reality than your positive thoughts. Take the time to question your thoughts: are they really true? How might they be untrue? How might the opposite of those miserable thoughts be true?

As you unravel your limiting thoughts and beliefs, the veil will lift and you will become truly free.

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Judgement ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s card is Judgement and it is all about reinventing your life by listening to your “inner calling”.

You are gifted with the ability to discover your destiny, your true purpose, simply by following your bliss and moving in the direction that you feel pulled. So where do you feel drawn today?

Remember that it is never too late to start doing what you have always wanted to do. As soon as you start following your passion, magical things begin happening – doors begin opening, you meet people and life has a new spark to it.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to wait until you feel totally passionate about something to take action. Simply do what seems most interesting and appealing to you right now and this will lead you to all the big, important, awesome stuff!

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Death ~ Tarot Card for Monday

death tarot card
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Death card comes to us to remind us that each day we are reborn and a part of us dies and is left behind. We are never the same person today as we were yesterday and tomorrow we will be different yet again.

If you ever find yourself lamenting “nothing ever changes!”, think again – death/change is constant, which can feel both exhausting and liberating.

Another way to think of Death is as a transformation, which is nicely represented by all the butterflies in this card. Each day we have the opportunity to transform ourselves, a situation or our beliefs….so what do you want to transform today?


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Four of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card, the Four of Pentacles, suggests you are grasping your money tightly. Its tax time, so this makes sense! You may be feeling the pinch…but this card suggests lightening up a little 🙂

The pixie in this Four of Pentacles card is above a pile of golden coins suggesting she is much richer than she feels. This is an important thing to remember: poverty (and abundance) is a state of mind.

If you are feeling broke or anxious about money, try to shift your energy from poverty to abundance. You can do this by trying something out of the ordinary…..

If you normally spend sensibly, buy yourself something luxurious and extravagant (like fancy soap or that overpriced coconut milk ice cream at the health food store). If you are a little out of control with spending money, see if you can start saving a little change each and every day.

This will help you feel more abundant, which will in turn help you attract more abundance into your life.

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Two of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Monday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Monday’s Tarot card is the Two of Pentacles and this card is all about balance and performing under pressure.

You may find yourself juggling two or more responsibilities today, but rest assured that you will can manage the chaos effectively and with grace.

You can handle a lot all at once, but beware of the temptation to take on even more. This is a balancing act and tipping the scales too much to one side with cause everything to come tumbling down. When others see how well you manage stress and responsibilities, they may ask for your help, so know when to say “no”.

The trick to keeping calm amidst business is to stay centered within yourself. Don’t get pulled into any dramas today – instead, take deep breaths throughout the day and focus on what needs to get done.


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The Devil ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

crystal visions tarot the devil
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Friday’s Tarot card is The Devil and I am getting some really interesting messages with this one!

Basically, The Devil appears as a reminder to look at all the ways you give your power away and realize that this is your choice and not something you have to do.

Often, its the little temptations that can suck our energy and bring us down – like making impulse purchases, buying stuff you don’t really need, eating food that doesn’t nourish you and engaging in activities that don’t really add to your overall enjoyment of life (like watching TV or spending all night on the internet).

So make a commitment to yourself to be vigilant about all the ways you are giving away your power. Ask yourself where you invest your time, money and energy in things that don’t make you feel free, exuberant and alive.

Awareness is the first step on the road to freedom!


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Ace of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Monday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card appears today to celebrate a new beginning in your life. This card is confirmation that you are on the right path, moving along nicely and your future vision couldn’t be any clearer at this point.

Things are finally falling into place for you and this will help you establish a sense of confidence in the future and the direction you are taking. Ground your vision and dreams in reality by recording your ideas in a journal and taking small steps towards them each and every day.

Your enthusiastic energy will inspire others today but beware! – those who are unstable and highly  emotional may be drawn to you since being in your presence makes them feel supported and balanced. If this feels okay for you, radiate calmness so that others may develop a feeling of trust in life. But if this feels unpleasant to you, use your intuition to set boundaries and create an environment that nourishes you. Just because you have your shit together, it doesn’t mean you have to be a support system for those who do not!

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Six of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Monday

Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Six of Swords from the Crystal Visions Tarot deck. This card represents movement and making a passage of some kind. Since it is from the Swords Suit, it indicates that thoughts and mindset are the key issues here.

Are you wishing you were someplace else right now? Perhaps you wish that you were further along than you are or that things were clearer and more obvious. Rest assured you are moving forward, even if it isn’t 100% apparent yet.

Don’t get caught up in the whole “grass is greener on the other side” line of thinking, but do look to those you admire for inspiration and wisdom. If you are wanting to achieve something, observe those who have already walked that path – you will be amazed at what you can glean from doing this!

The main message I get from the Six of Swords is to be patient with yourself – you are shifting to a new way of thinking right now and all will be clear in time.

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