Veronica is my evil twin who spends her time getting tipsy, reading politically incorrect “romance” novels and just being all around fabulous. Let’s see how she’s twisted the meaning of the Two of Cups to fit her nefarious worldview….
Gossiping is GOOD for you!
With the Two of Cups we have two people connecting intensely and it’s probably because she’s saying “OMG, have you heard what Joanne’s husband did?” and he’s all like “GASP! No! Spill the beans, sister!”
Sure, you hear some people saying things like “oh, I never gossip” or “gossiping is negative, I just don’t engage in it”
You know what I call that?
Boring. Fucking boring.
Gossiping about people you know with people who also know them can magically transform a workplace from dull to riveting!
Gossiping can turn a lame party into a den of fascinating chitter chatter.
And best of all, it gives you something to talk about with someone you’d otherwise have nothing to talk about.
So stop judging yourself for loving a little gossip. SO WHAT! It’s not the worst thing you could be doing.
Now get out there and say something bitchy about someone you hardly know!
Veronica is my evil twin, alter ego and professional bon bon eater. She reclines on her chaise lounger gazing down on the world like a maliciously sexy cat. Let’s see what she has to say about the Six of Cups….
Do you remember The Rules? It was the dating advice book that Cosmopolitan magazine had a huge ladyboner for in the mid 90’s.
Anyway, its packed with valuable advice like how to be cold an distant and mysterious. Essential skills for any woman looking to trap a man in her net of deceit and trickery! Ha!
Well, this is NOT what the Six of Cups is about.
There is a time when being a bitch is healthy, necessary and preferable. But today is not that time.
Today, it’s okay to be warm, loving and kind. Even to strangers.
I know, I know, it’s hard.
If you fear that being helpful and supportive to someone will only make you vulnerable, relax. It’s just for one day. No one will take advantage of you. It’s okay.
And you don’t have to play all hard to get this weekend either. Help a friend out. Let people know you appreciate them. Try not to tell anyone to fuck off today.
Veronica is my evil twin and alter ego. She lives in a world of red feather boas, salted caramels and gorgeous man-sluts. Having mastered the fine arts of leisure and pleasure and is here to slap some sense into you with her deck of Tarot cards…..
Today’s Tarot card is The Hanged Man and it’s message is as clear as day – if someone’s annoying you today, hang them out to dry!
There’s someone in your life who is more demanding than necessary. Maybe more than one person. Always wanting you to rearrange your schedule to suit their bullshit needs.
Normally, you rush and scramble to cater to these fucks. Well, no more. No More!
Your time is fucking gold. People should be tripping over themselves to be gifted with even a mere moment of your precious attention.
And yet your good friend wants to reschedule your lunch date today for 45 minutes later because she’s waiting for the UPS guy to show up with the new juicer she ordered. Um….WTF?!
Or maybe your pesky client just doesn’t show up for their appointment with you. Typical.
Don’t get all flustered and be all like “hmf, hmf, nobody respects me! People treat me like crap!”
Nip that shit in the bud. Don’t give second chances. Don’t say horribly untrue things like “It’s okay, I understand. Sure. We can reschedule. No problem, I don’t mind.”
Because doing that kills your soul….slowly.
Even if all you have on your schedule for today are naps, reading, and more naps….it doesn’t matter. Stop being so damn flexible!
There are times in life when doing a Tarot reading may be inconvenient or impossible.
For example, you’re on a camping trip with your uber-religious family who shuns Tarot and all other fun things. Or you’re bored shitless waiting in the dentist’s office but you don’t have your deck with you. Or you’re just totally pissed off at your Tarot deck and don’t want to consult it today….
Here are some fun and inventive ways to flex your intuitive reading muscleswithout your usual deck of Tarot cards:
Step One: Think of a big, important question you want answered like “what is the meaning of my life?” or “how can I get more boys to notice me?”
Step Two: Now, randomly pick a book off your shelf. It could be The Bible or Having the Cowboy’s Baby. It doesn’t matter!
Step Three: Let the book fall open to any page and let your gaze come to rest on a random sentence. Read that sentence out loud. That is your answer!
Sometimes this exercise produces profound results. Other times it’s just good for a laugh. But either way, it’s worth a try.
2. Read your current environment as if it were a Tarot card
Step One: Think of a specific question or just ask “what do I need to know right now?”
Step Two: Take a good look around you. Your environment is like a Tarot card – rich with symbols and secret messages just waiting to be discovered!
What do you notice first? What stands out? What symbols are present? What color is most prevalent? What is going on?
What is on your left hand side? This is the side of intuition and creativity.
What is on your right? This is the side of action and power!
Step Three: If there is a message for you in your environment (and trust me, there is!) what would it be? What are your surroundings trying to tell you?
I did this exercise last Spring when I was walking along the beach. I asked “what do I need to focus on right now?” and the first thing I noticed was a family of geese, which were flying along. I watched them land in the water, floating gracefully and then diving under the surface. It suddenly struck me how amazing it is that geese get to traverse the world of sky, land and water. I was reminded of the three worlds in Shamanism – the upper, lower and middle earth. At the time I was reading several books on Shamanism and I took this as a clear message that I was to keep on reading this stuff. Also, not to be afraid to dive deep into the unconscious world of dreams and meditative journeys.
3. Doodle!
You know how when your listening to someone on the phone you sometimes scribble little drawings without realizing it?
These scribbles can be a goldmine for illustrating what’s going on in your subconscious mind!
Try this!
You can do this exercise by yourself or with a friend.
Step One: Get out a piece of paper and some crayons (or a pencil if the idea of crayons gives you the creeps). Put on some nice music and sit at your table and just draw some stuff. Don’t think too hard, just let your mind wander. Don’t try to draw something “good”. Just doodle!
Step Two: If you’re doing this with a friend, you can trade drawings and then proceed to “read” each others pictures in the same way you would read a Tarot card.
If you are doing this alone, then you would just “read” your own picture.
Pay attention to what you are drawn to. What color stands out? What symbols speak to you? What is the general feel of the picture? Does it seem to be saying something specific?
Often, the pictures we draw illustrate what is going on for us in our inner and outer lives.
I first did this exercise years ago in a workshop called Exploring Your Psychic Self. The woman who I was partnered with swore she had no psychic abilities whatsoever, yet she was able to spell out my deepest wishes and desires just by looking at my drawing. A drawing that looked like it was drawn by a five year old on acid.
So there you have it! Three totally new ways to have fun with your intuition. No Tarot cards required!
In the comments below, tell me which exercise your going to try today :)…..
Veronica is my fun-loving evil twin. She spends her days swanning about her apartment, painting nude men and writing about Tarot. Her readings are blunt and tasteless…yet oddly helpful. Basically, she just wants to slap the crap out of you with her Tarot cards! Now let’s get to today’s reading…
Are there people in your life that totally piss you off?
Pfffft, of course there are!
Do you sometimes moan about how your romantic partner is a total douche-bag who just doesn’t appreciate you?
Well, at the risk of sounding like a smug new-ager, let me tell you this: the relationships you have with others always mirror the relationship you have with yourself.
What’s even more terrifying is that we project our “disowned selves” (the parts of ourselves we don’t like) onto those around us.
Here’s a true story: for the longest time, I felt irritated whenever I saw someone driving a huge, souped up truck. I would think “what a prick!” To me, souped up trucks symbolized flagrant excessiveness – all that gas! – and obvious attention whoring – look at me and my big truck!
But when I looked within, I realized that I LOVE to be excessive – I always fill the bath tub to near overflowing and prefer to eat the best quality chocolate I can find. None of that drugstore chocolate for me! And while I don’t seek attention in an obvious way (yachting around the Mediterranean with a gang of boy toys doesn’t count!), I wish I had more of it.
So there you go.
Oh, I almost forgot…….Happy Halloween!
Now you finally have an excuse to dress all slutty in public.
Veronica is my bad to the bone alter ego and she is here to slap some sense into you! She took time out of her hectic day of hot yoga, napping and netflixing to write you this reading – so you’d better listen up and take her advice…
When I was a little girl, my grandmother had a really pretty silk pincushion that she kept tucked away in her sewing box.
Every time I used to visit I would find that pincushion and violently stab pins into it, delighting in the way it felt to be so brutal with something so delicate.
Now lets pretend that pincushion is your heart and those pins are your negative thoughts. That’s what the Three of Swords is all about!
Sometimes we want to have negative thoughts and feel the drama that arises. Sometimes we secretly get off on believing that others are betraying us in some way – so we can be all pissy pants about it and mope around in our own misery.
So if someone isn’t quite living up to your romantic expectations of how they should be, ask yourself if that’s really true or are you just causing unnecessary heartache for yourself?
Because admit it, on some level that self-inflicted cruelty is a little bit delicious! At least it gives you a good excuse to binge on chocolate and exotic man-boys.
Or maybe that’s just me.
Although the Three of Swordsis the triple penetration card! Pfffft! Teeeheehee!
It’s full of costumes and candy and lacks the obligatory, tiresome vibe of Christmas and Valentine’s. What’s not to love?
Every Halloween night I bust out my incense and candles and do a special Tarot reading for myself where I reflect on the past few months and make plans for the coming months.
So I thought I would design a fun, campy, Halloween themed Tarot spread to help you do the same thing!
For a printer friendly version of this spread, click here.
If you would like to see this spread in action, using the Anna K Tarot, here is my demonstration video:
I would love to hear what you think! How was this spread for you? And what are your big plans and goals for the coming Winter?
Veronica is my evil twin and partner in crime. You can find her camping out in metaphysical bookstores and napping through a yoga class. When she isn’t scrawling chick-porn on her laptop, she’s writing Tarot readings for this blog…
Your Inner Buddha wants you to just chill the fuck out already. Seriously.
Your personality/ego self is all like “aah! What must people think of me? I don’t make enough money! I look like a bloated whale in these pants! How am I going to get everything done today?”
Meanwhile, your Inner Buddha reclines on a chaise lounge with a joint in one hand, not giving a shit about any of it.
It’s time to meet this mysteriously calm little person inside of you….
When you think “what will the bitches in my office think of my new shoes?”, your Inner Buddha thinks “where can I find some velcro moccasins?”
When you obsess about whether or not your partner really loves you, your Inner Buddha couldn’t care less. It’s completely fucking irrelevant.
It’s not that your Inner Buddha doesn’t care about anything, it’s just that it doesn’t care about stupid pointless shit. And for many of us, worrying and thinking about stupid pointless shit can consume a pretty big part of our day.
So this weekend, don’t try to stop worrying or thinking about stupid pointless shit. That never works. Just ask yourself “what would my Inner Buddha do?”
Imagine this: It’s 8pm on a dark and rainy night. Thunder and lighting boom and flash in the distance as you sit in your armchair by the fire, shuffling your Tarot cards.
Across from you sits Minxy Blue – a friend of a friend. Minxy is a high class escort who lives a lavish lifestyle, “escorting” distinguished gentlemen and the occasional celebrity. But she has recently met someone special who has a problem with her chosen line of work. His name is Vlad Smith and he has proposed to her on the condition that she quit her escort job and do something else.
Minxy loves Vlad but she also loves her work. She’s in a conundrum! She asks you “what on Earth am I supposed to do?”
Just then, two cards come flying out of the deck, landing upright on the table in front of you.
But here’s the challenge: Minxy doesn’t have the time or the patience to listen to you ramble about the cards. So make it quick! In just 3 sentences or less, interpret these two cards in a way that is helpful to Minxy:
Please feel free to post your interpretation in the comments below!
If you would like to see how I interpreted these cards, just click on the text below…
Speak openly with Vlad about how you feel about leaving your career (Two of Cups). But make sure you go within and do some soul searching to find out what is truly important to you right now (The Hermit). There is much light and brightness in these two cards which shows that now is not the time to hide from your feelings and issues, Minxy girl!
Veronica is my alter ego – she says the things I have always longed to say and does the things I’ve always longed to do! When she isn’t whizzing around the world in her private jet full of boy toys, she’s yelling at crows (they are so loud at 5 am!) and sneering at what other people are buying in the grocery store. Here is her take on the Six of Wands…
Do you remember that obnoxious scene in Titanicwhere Leo Dicaprio shouts “I’m the king of the world!” from the bow of the ship? And then dies later?
Well, that’s what this card reminds me of.
And do you know someone in your life who is an annoying overachiever? Some dick who runs marathons, buys “investment properties” and has a “career”?
I know, those people are everywhere!
Or heaven forbid, maybe YOU are an overachiever. It’s okay, there’s still hope for you.
The Six of Wands depicts the fleeting glee that arises when you “succeed” on society’s terms.
It’s all sunshine and silken red loincloths at first, but then you realize that being successful isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it demands a certain amount of those sinister traits called responsibility and maturity. Um, yuck. No thanks.
If your “success” brings you more unpleasantness – like more work, more busy-ness, less free time, etc – then you need to re-think what success really means for you.
My personal idea of success is long stretches of uninterrupted free time, anonymity, fancy bedding and not giving a shit about what others think of me.