Veronica Noir is The Daily Tarot Girl’s fearless, daring (yet evil!) twin. When she isn’t offering up salacious advice on a Friday, she’s cruising around the Mediterranean on her yacht with a couple of boy-toys, a good book and a cool mojito. In other words, this crazy bitch knows how to have a good time! Here’s her take on the Seven of Cups…

Choices, choices!
This lady seems to be pondering her choice of drink “Hmmm, what should I have? The Long Island Iced Tea, the dirty martini, the G&T, the rum and coke, or the…”
Um, slow down Betty! Maybe you should just have a water.
Today you will be faced with a multitude of choices – which are all the same.
If you find yourself in a state of indecision or overwhelm, maybe its because all the options are a bit blah.
Don’t let anyone railroad you into making a decision that you aren’t 100% happy with. The unimaginative, raggedy-ass masses that surround you will say that you have to decide and make some concessions. F*ck em!
If you don’t like the options on the table, create new ones.
Oh, and if I were that sulky lady in the card, I’d pick the tall orange drink in the top right. Looks fruity!
Wow, Veronica.
You took some really good advice, poured it in the shaker, added some 80 proof, some ice, and shook! I like this approach to both the Seven of Cups AND to my life today. I’m going to go lounge on the big green couch and (re-)consider my options.
Love your wild wise-ass self!
Why thank you, Jamie. Enjoy your green couch time 😉
Hey, V?
I really did what you said. The pour? Awe-effin’-some.
Will report more later.
Sulky lady, fruity drink? Really!!!