Veronica Noir is my batshit crazy twin sister. She is just like me except she’s brilliant, has no sense of guilt or shame, speaks her mind and does whatever she wants, when she wants! Kind of like a psychopath….but with a heart of gold. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

Ah yes! The Ten of Rods (aka Ten of Wands) – a warning for you to plug your ears to the siren call of wanting more.
Here’s a depressing equation:
feeling empty + wanting more = taking on lots of responsibilities, roles, hobbies and friends to make your life more meaningful and important + realizing your still empty, but now your also exhausted = resentment x 100
I was always crappy at math, so the above equation may not make sense to you, but that’s not the point.
The point is, all your roles and duties will only weigh you down on the adventure of life!
Do you knowsomeone who is always informing you of all the different roles they play? For example, a friend who says shit like “I’m a wife, mother, sister, chef, girl guide leader, janitor, blah, blah, blah” and you all you can think is holy fuck, when do you have time to fap?
While the Urban Dictionary defines the term fap as “the onomatopoeic representation of masturbation”, I would like to extend that definition to include all activities that are pleasurable but ultimately serve no purpose – like watching Entertainment Tonight, googling hot celebrities, organizing your nail polish collection – stuff like that.
Make time to fap. A life without adequate fap time will only foster resentment.

On a different note.....the second episode of the Menage A Tarot podcast is up! Click here to listen 🙂
haha, as always your alter ego Veronica speaks the real meaning behind the tarotcards! I wish she could come every day, but maybe it wouldn’t be as much fun then?
😀 Have a lovely weekend, Kate, and looking already forward to the weekly cards:)
Awww, Veronica will be so thrilled to hear that 😉 I don’t know what would become of this site if I let her foul mouth run the show full time! Ha!
“Make time to fap. A life without adequate fap time will only foster resentment.”
Best. Advice. Ever. I want a poster for my wall….
hmmm…that’s an idea! Maybe I should get t-shirts made up as well.
I totally love that!!! :o)))) cheers!!
Thanks Anselma! 🙂
Just fabulous! <3 Thank you!