Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Does the SAME Tarot card keep popping up?

Have you ever experienced the same Tarot card continually showing up in your readings again and again? Did you think what does it meeeeeaaaannnnn?

In the video below, I will tell you what it means (or at least what I think it means) and I’ll share my three step process for decoding these repeat cards. If you’d like to see the written version of this video, you can check it out right here.

I want to know….what card have you been getting repeatedly lately? Spill the beans in the comments below…

Does the SAME Tarot card keep popping up? Read More ยป

3 Kooky Fun Tarot Spreads

Do you crave excitement and novelty? But not the jumping out of airplanes kind of excitement – more like the ooh a new Tarot spread to try! kind of excitement?

Well you’re in luck!

While I love the classic Tarot spreads like the Celtic Cross, sometimes you just need to shake it up a bit and try something new.

Here are 3 “kooky” Tarot spreads for you to try tonight…


Cat Lover’s Tarot Spread

I’ve noticed a big overlap between cat lovers and Tarot lovers. I guess cats and Tarot just seem to go together like wine and cheese. Or wine and bubble baths. Or wine and gossip. You get the idea!

Print this spread!


Meet Your Alter Ego Tarot Spread

Your alter ego is basically a combo of your shadow self and your fantasy self. Getting in touch with it can work wonders in your life! For more details on how to use this spread (including a video), go right here.

Print this spread!


Self Love Tarot Spread

I created this spread years ago on Valentine’s Day as an alternative to all those relationship and love spreads. I hope you enjoy!

Go here for more details about this spread.

I hope you have fun with these unique spreads! And guess what? I’m looking for new ideas for Tarot spreads. Is there a particular theme or issue you’d like me to create a spread for? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Tarot Reading,

3 Kooky Fun Tarot Spreads

Halloween Tarot Spread

Halloween is my FAVORITE time to do a Tarot reading for myself (New Years and my birthday are close seconds). They say the veil between this shitty, mundane world and the magical world of spirit is thinnest at this time. I don’t know for sure if that’s true but I like the idea!

So I really wanted to create a new, shiny Halloween Tarot spread for you to try out but every time I tried to create one I ended up with a slightly crappier version of the Halloween spread I made way back in 2014. So I thought you know what? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

So I present to you my Halloween Tarot spread….yes, it’s the same Tarot spread I gave you four years ago (but I’m hoping you won’t really remember)…

Print this spread right here!

Have a happy Halloween and as always, happy Tarot reading!!!

PS – I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the lovely and talented Ethony Dawn for her new Tarot Readers Academy TV show/podcast! Join us as we chat about intuitive Tarot reading (and smutty paranormal romance novels!). Bonus: this interview includes a link to a free e-course with me ๐Ÿ™‚

Halloween Tarot Spread

Tarot Reading for Oct 29 – Nov 4

For some reason I always love doing Tarot readings around Halloween and this deck (the Druidcraft Tarot) always makes me think of Autumn and Halloween…

*Just a friendly reminder that I’ll be doing a free one-card Tarot readings on Facebook on Sunday at 12noon. To participate, just check out the events page.

Have a great week & Happy Halloween!!!

Tarot Reading for Oct 29 – Nov 4 Read More ยป