But do you REALLY want to?
Veronica is my evil twin/alter ego who reads Tarot on my blog every Friday! She loves guzzling fruity martinis, sleeping in and boycotting reality TV shows – but she hates babies, Wal-Mart and her neighbor’s shop vac.
- Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot
Know what’s better than gratitude? Discernment!
Just because something is offered to you, doesn’t mean you have to accept it….or be grateful, for that matter.
I can’t stand the victim mindset of people who say shit like “you’re lucky to even have a job!” especially when the job in question totally sucks.
Here’s an idea – raise the bar and stop accepting things that bring you no excitement whatsoever.
Not everything that comes your way will be wonderful and amazing – most of it will be quite mundane and boring. Learn to say “mrrhhhr……no” to the spirit sinking stuff.
Maybe your friend tells you that you should read some sappy self helpy book. Or maybe you get offered a volunteer job filing paperwork in a dusty basement. Or the dork next door invites you to a neighborhood barbecue where you can mingle with other jerks on your street.
But do you really want to do these things? Do they light your fire? You be the judge!
But do you REALLY want to? Read More »