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Two of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Monday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Monday’s Tarot card is the Two of Pentacles and this card is all about balance and performing under pressure.

You may find yourself juggling two or more responsibilities today, but rest assured that you will can manage the chaos effectively and with grace.

You can handle a lot all at once, but beware of the temptation to take on even more. This is a balancing act and tipping the scales too much to one side with cause everything to come tumbling down. When others see how well you manage stress and responsibilities, they may ask for your help, so know when to say “no”.

The trick to keeping calm amidst business is to stay centered within yourself. Don’t get pulled into any dramas today – instead, take deep breaths throughout the day and focus on what needs to get done.


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The Devil ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

crystal visions tarot the devil
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Friday’s Tarot card is The Devil and I am getting some really interesting messages with this one!

Basically, The Devil appears as a reminder to look at all the ways you give your power away and realize that this is your choice and not something you have to do.

Often, its the little temptations that can suck our energy and bring us down – like making impulse purchases, buying stuff you don’t really need, eating food that doesn’t nourish you and engaging in activities that don’t really add to your overall enjoyment of life (like watching TV or spending all night on the internet).

So make a commitment to yourself to be vigilant about all the ways you are giving away your power. Ask yourself where you invest your time, money and energy in things that don’t make you feel free, exuberant and alive.

Awareness is the first step on the road to freedom!


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Queen of Swords Tarot Card for Thursday

Happy Valentine’s Day! Before I get into today’s reading, I would like to announce that my brand new e-book Tarot Card Spreads for Love, Sex & Relationships is making its debut! Click here for more info. Okay, now on to the reading…..

The Queen of Swords swoops in today to give us a stern message (as only she can!)

hanson-roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

Be sensible! Choose wisely, take time to make a heartfelt decision and don’t take on anything that will not ultimately serve your highest good.

In other words, if you feel like taking on a new project or responsibility will not lift your spirits, then say NO! The Queen of Swords is all about learning to say no with class, ease and a total absence of guilt.

On another note, this mighty Queen also advises you to clear the clutter in your life. All those stacks of scrap paper and random notes floating around your home are not helping you make wise, rational choices. Have a house clearing day and sort out your drawers, cupboards and closets and get rid of your junk once and for all!

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Six of Arrows ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

wildwood tarot
Wildwood Tarot

Six of Arrows (aka Six of Swords) is today’s Tarot Card and the theme is Transition.

Whether you realize it or not, you are transitioning from one place to another and you are divinely guided and protected as you make this move.

The Six of Swords can represent a physical move to a new location or a change in career/job, but it most often symbolizes a shift in perception and belief. You are leaving your negative mindset behind and traversing the waters of possibility and positive thought.

You may feel somewhat apprehensive about this, which is natural. If fear comes up for you in this time of great discovery and release, call upon your angels, spirit guides, higher self, or otherworldly allies to help you comfortably integrate these changes in your life. They are always there for you and want you to succeed!

Wild Sisterhood

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Four of Pentacles Tarot Card for Tuesday!

four of pentacles tarot card
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori

The Four of Crystals from the Sirian Starseed Tarot is the card for today (a.k.a. the Four of Pentacles in many other tarot decks). This card brings a message about introversion and your hesitancy to share your gifts with the world.

There is a healthy balance between going within for guidance, nourishment and rest and putting yourself out there and sharing your insights and talents. Beware of remaining stuck in the introverted phase.

Sharing yourself with others can make you feel vulnerable, so use your meditation time to go within and confront those fears. Find a way to gain strength and confidence about what you have to offer the world.

You need not keep your wonderful talents and skills locked up any longer! There are many who will benefit deeply from your work.

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Five of Wands Tarot Card for Monday

hanson-roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

Monday’s Tarot card is the Five of Wands, which is all about competition, minor struggles and conflicts of will.

However, I get the sense that this has everything to do with  your many duties, interests and goals conflicting and competing for your time and attention.

Do you feel like you have tons of things you want to accomplish, but not enough time to “do it all”? Or do you feel like some of your goals and desires actually clash with each other?

Today is the day to get organized and clear about your priorities. Be realistic about how much time to you have and what tasks are most important to you. Prioritize, delegate and see if there is a way to clear some time and space for yourself.

When your many talents, skills and ideas work together, as opposed to battling for equal attention from you, there are no limits as to how far you can go!

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What Will Unfold in 2013?

2012 is almost over – only a couple days left! – and then we will begin a whole new year. There is nothing better than that feeling of starting things fresh. I love to spend New Years day sorting out my closets and organizing things…but this year is different because I have my BRAND NEW 2013 TAROT WORKBOOK to journal into the new year with.

I am excited to announce that I have finished my 2013 Tarot Workbook just in time for the New Year! The process of creating it was really fun and I share how it turned out in this video…

Last night I spend some time journaling in my new workbook on the Messages from your Angels and Spirit Guides page. I pulled the Master of Flames from the Sirian Starseed Tarot (aka King of Wands) and I got some amazing insights.

I think I really underestimated the power of this workbook (not to toot my own horn or anything!) – but there was something about writing out my card interpretations that really stimulated my creativity. I ended up writing continuously for over an hour!

Click here for more info on my 2013 Tarot Workbook….

At the risk of sounding overly optimistic, I have a strong feeling that 2013 is going to be an amazing, transformational year for so many of us. I have been getting tidal waves of inspiration and ideas for this site and since I am bouncing off the walls with excitement about it, I thought I would share…

On January 1st (or 2nd depending on what I get up to on the 31st), I will be doing a 12 card New Years Forecast Reading video for my YouTube channel. I will also post it here on my blog…can’t wait to see what cards will come up!

In the next couple of weeks, I will be posting a video and article about how to read the Court Cards – this seems to be an area that so many readers get stuck on. I also plan on making this a Topic for a course in the very near future.

My first online Tarot course will be coming out sometime in the new year, possibly as early as February. I am not sure what it will be called exactly, but it will focus on learning how to interpret the “negative” Tarot cards in an empowering way. It will also focus on connecting with your intuition and heart center while reading the cards.

I will be posting all updates here on my blog and Facebook page, so stay tuned! 🙂

If you have any specific ideas about what you would like to see on my site this year or topics for Tarot courses, just let me know in the comments section of this post, or you can take my Tarot survey, if you haven’t already.

And of course, I look forward to getting back to my daily Tarot readings on Jan 2nd!



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My Tarot Survey!

2013 is going to be an exciting year here at daily-tarot-girl.com! I plan on offering Tarot courses, meditations, possibly a forum, workbooks, new spreads and how-to videos. But first I want to get a general idea of what it is you would be most interested in. If you have a moment, please take the survey below. Thank you in advance for your input – I can’t wait to read your responses!


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Tarot reading “brain-freeze”: 3 ways to combat this common issue

Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

When I first began reading Tarot for others, my biggest fear was that my mind would go totally blank during a reading and I just wouldn’t know what to say…..

As it turned out, this actually happened to me. Again and again and again. In fact, it still does! So rather than fearing this Tarot reading “brain-freeze”, I have come up with 3 methods to deal with it. Read more….





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Tarot Tips from a Professional Tarot Reader

Greetings Everyone!
Have you always wondered what exactly makes an outstanding Tarot reader, or whether you need a special “gift” to read Tarot cards? Do you ever worry about your mind going blank when you’re giving a Tarot reading? Or do you wonder how you can truly tap into your intuition when your working with Tarot cards?

I answer all these questions and more in this Tarot interview. Because the video is quite long, I have listed the various questions below along with the time in the video that I answer them, so you can skip ahead to what interests you the most.

Click here to read more…


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