Five of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Monday!

Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is the Five of Wands, a card of minor struggles, squabbles and healthy competition.
You may feel more tempted than usual today to disagree with people, try to prove yourself right or instigate arguments. If you can, try to resist!

This card also refers to inner struggle between different aspects of yourself. You may find that you feel like lounging on the couch all evening, while your more industrious side thinks you should finish a project, or do chores. Or your rational side may squabble with your more emotional side when it comes to decision making.

Whatever it is that you experience today, it will help you to develop a healthy sense of humor about it. Learn to laugh at your ego and see the lighter side of a situation. Remember what is important to you and focus your attention on creating harmony and cooperation in your life.

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Nine of Cups Tarot Card for Friday! :)

crystal visions nine of cups
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

The Nine of Cups is today’s Tarot card – and that is two nines in a row! As yesterday’s card was the Nine of Swords. The Nine of Cups Tarot card asks you to make a wish…

Take a moment today to look back at all the wonderful things you have manifested in your life. How did you accomplish it? What did you do? What helped you? What are you wanting to manifest now?

After all this past and future thinking about manifestation, just let it all go and enjoy the best moment there ever is – the present moment! Take pleasure in walking in the trees, watching the fog your breath makes in the cold air, gazing up at the stars and moon and just enjoy being alive!


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Nine of Swords Tarot Card for Thursday!

gilded tarot nine of swords
The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

The Nine of Swords Tarot card brings you the message that you need to let go of the things that keep you awake at night. Stop worrying! These issues are not as important as you think they are.

If you find yourself lying in bed at night, tossing and turning, trying to quiet your overactive mind, take a moment to get out of your head and into your body. An overactive mind cannot disturb you if you are not completely identified with it.

Get into your body by taking a few deep breaths. Pay attention to how your body feels. Try focusing on bringing your point of consciousness from your head, down into your heart center. You can do this by rubbing your upper chest area in circles with your left hand until you feel like your heart energy has been “activated”.

If you still feel overly anxious and distracted, write out all your worries on a piece of paper and tell yourself you will deal with them tomorrow. The wisdom of the Nine of Swords Tarot card lies in knowing that your worries are only thoughts and thoughts can be changed. So take a deep breath and relax!


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Eight of Wands ~ Tarot Card For Wednesday!

tarot of the pagan cats eight of wands
Tarot of the Pagan Cats, published by Lo Scarabeo

The Eight of Wands Tarot card is an exciting one! It shows up today to remind you that you are gifted with an amazing power to manifest and get things moving!

Send out your request to the universe using your intention, clarity and focus and you will be amazed at the results. Tap into the power of your imagination in order to visualize your desired outcome.

The main message today is that the only thing standing between you and your dreams is…you. Sometimes that can sound pretty irritating but it is also kind of a relief, too!

Make today a manifestation day – once you get clear on your goals and dreams, write them out, draw pictures beside them, or create a vision board that will inspire you on a daily basis – do whatever it takes to make your dreams into something tangible.

Not really sure what your dreams are? Try out my Life Purpose Tarot Spread to get some ideas….

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Judgement Tarot Card for Tuesday

judgement tarot card
The Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Judgement is the Tarot card for today and it is from the Paulina Tarot deck. The Judgement Tarot card meaning has so many layers to it, but the main theme is rebirth and reinventing the Self.

Today is your chance to really step into a new way of being, living and creating. The symbolism in this Paulina Tarot card makes me think of the Goddess and feminine energy – as the trees in this card are shaped in an hourglass figure. This also makes me think of time!

Let go of your obsession with time today – or even just notice your fixation on time. This will pull you deeper into the present moment and give you a stronger sense of appreciation for what is, helping you connect to the earth on a much more profound level than before.

The more you are able to let go of the illusion of time and embrace the feminine cycles of birth, death and rebirth that are inherent in everything, the more quickly you will ascend, rising up past illusions and experiencing life in a whole new way!



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Five of Swords Tarot Card for Monday

five of air osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

Today’s Tarot card is the Five of Swords (which is actually called the Five of Air in the Osho Zen Tarot deck). The Five of swords Tarot card is all about comparison and how it can keep us from truly blossoming.

If you catch yourself making comparisons between people, things, or perhaps comparing yourself to others, notice how it makes you feel. Chances are it makes you feel frustrated, deflated and uncomfortable!

Comparing yourself to someone else is futile and will only cause you misery – it is a surefire way to deplete your energy today. Shift your focus so that you see everyone, including yourself, as unique individuals with different gifts and life purpose.

Another message I get with the Five of Swords Tarot card is that trying to be like someone else is also just as energy depleting. You are unique and have a unique way of seeing things and doing things – don’t take that gift for granted by trying to imitate somebody else!

If your curious about what your unique gifts are, try out my Sharing Your Gifts Tarot card spread.


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Three of Wands Tarot Card for Friday!

three of fire angel tarot cards
Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue

The Three of Wands Tarot card (or Three of Fire in the Angel Tarot Card Deck) bears the message “Abundance! Things look very good, have patience at this time. Make long term plans.”

Now is a good time to make long term plans in the areas of your life that feel stable and abundant. This can be a valuable time of reflection and contemplation.

When you experience success with something, you either know that your hard work was worth it or you feel like the fruits of your labor weren’t as sweet as you’d hoped, indicating a need to shift your focus to something different.

If you feel like you have put a lot of work into something and are still waiting to reap the rewards, the Three of Wands Tarot card encourages you to have patience for success is just around the corner!

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Six of Swords Tarot Card for Thursday

druidcraft tarot six of swords
The Druidcraft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm and artist Will Worthington

The Six of Swords Tarot card brings you the message that you will be safe and supported when you decide its time to move on and step out into the unknown.

If you have been considering making a move or making a change in your life, the Six of Swords Tarot card is a good omen. However, it does warn you to be weary of the “grass is greener on the other side” mentality and that wherever you go, you take yourself with you!

But the main message with the Six of Swords Tarot card is that you have more support than you realize. This refers to strangers who lend a helping hand, family and friends who are there for you and spirit guides and angels helping you from the other side. You don’t have to do it all alone.

If you are planning a trip, you can be rest assured that it will be safe and enjoyable and that help and guidance will arrive when you need it.

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Oracle Card Reading for Wednesday ~ Think Big!

dog oracle card
Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards by Kirsten Laulainen

Today’s Oracle Card Reading is all about expanding your perception of what is possible. This Guidance Dogs oracle card, represented by the Chihuahua encourages you to Think Big, even if you feel small right now.

As you open your mind to what is possible, your life also opens up. Your beliefs shape your experience and so as you change your beliefs about what is possible, your reality will bend its shape to fit with your new outlook.

Changing your core beliefs isn’t always easy, and I have found that its best to start by accepting where you are at right now. Acknowledge your limiting beliefs and decide to love and accept yourself anyway.

Since its pretty hard to go from limited thinking to expanded thinking in a day, focus on gradually and gently opening your mind up to greater possibilities. Here’s an affirmation I like to use:
Even though I find it hard to believe_________________, I am willing to open my mind to the possibility.

And last but not least, sometimes we are afraid to dream big. We may fear disappointment if our dreams don’t come true, or overwhelm and rejection if they do manifest! For this reason, it is important to connect a feeling of safety with our expanded life vision. The following affirmation helps soothe that sense of anxiety:  It is safe for me to be successful/powerful/free (or whatever it is you want).

Try working with these affirmations as think and dream big – and watch as your life transforms!

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The Lovers Tarot Card Reading for Tuesday!

the cosmic tarot the lovers
The Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

The Lovers Tarot Card is all about unity, connection and balance. What do you find yourself powerfully drawn to today? It could be a person, place or thing. Often we are drawn to something that is lacking in ourselves in an attempt to balance things out.

Communication and connecting with others may seem easier than usual today and don’t be surprised if you feel a surge of passion towards something you had thought long forgotten – like an old hobby, for example.

Although The Lovers Tarot card is all about opposites attracting, try to look for the commonality that you share with others, rather than your differences – this will help you get on the same page with friends, family and colleagues.

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