Six of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Monday

Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Six of Swords from the Crystal Visions Tarot deck. This card represents movement and making a passage of some kind. Since it is from the Swords Suit, it indicates that thoughts and mindset are the key issues here.

Are you wishing you were someplace else right now? Perhaps you wish that you were further along than you are or that things were clearer and more obvious. Rest assured you are moving forward, even if it isn’t 100% apparent yet.

Don’t get caught up in the whole “grass is greener on the other side” line of thinking, but do look to those you admire for inspiration and wisdom. If you are wanting to achieve something, observe those who have already walked that path – you will be amazed at what you can glean from doing this!

The main message I get from the Six of Swords is to be patient with yourself – you are shifting to a new way of thinking right now and all will be clear in time.

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Tarot reading “brain-freeze”: 3 ways to combat this common issue

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When I first began reading Tarot for others, my biggest fear was that my mind would go totally blank during a reading and I just wouldn’t know what to say…..

As it turned out, this actually happened to me. Again and again and again. In fact, it still does! So rather than fearing this Tarot reading “brain-freeze”, I have come up with 3 methods to deal with it. Read more….





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Courage ~ Oracle Card for Friday!

Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Happy Friday! The oracle card for today is Courage and the message on the back of this card is “take the leap! Your courage will see you through.”

You have it in you to fully merge with your lion-nature and tap into your courageous, brave self when it comes to making decisions, asserting your needs and stepping outside of your comfort zones.

You might be feeling particularly daring and brave today! The sword in the card represents cutting free your attachments to things that do not assist you on your journey. The mountains in the background show that you are an adventurer – not necessarily in the typical sense, but in a more spiritual sense.

Don’t be afraid to go leaps and bounds out of your comfort zone today – you have unseen support systems helping you all the way.

🙂 Question: how will YOU be courageous today?

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Ten of Swords ~ Tarot Reading for Thursday

Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot card is the Ten of Swords from the Paulina Tarot. You might be tempted to over-dramatize things today and beware that minor issues may feel like big catastrophes – this is mainly due to the fact that yesterday’s Full Moon is still effecting us today.

Right now is a time of heightened energy….its like a culmination of energy, energy that has been building over the last month. You may have sensed a feeling of energy building inside of you and around you. This is also a good time to release old energies and patterns that no longer serve you.

Use the power of the Full Moon to shine a light on that which holds you down – write it down on paper if you need to. While you can do this kind of releasing anytime, now is a particularly significant and powerful time to do this work. By the time December comes, you will be feeling fresh and free of any burdens.
Do you feel like your connection with your deck is sometimes “off”? Learn how to connect with your deck in 3 easy steps…

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Ace of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

ace of cups tarot card
Fenestra Tarot

The Ace of Cups is the Tarot card that I drew today and it represents and overflowing of pure heart energy. With the Full Moon tonight, our energies are rising and reaching the point of overflow – just relax and let these energies pour out.

You have so much to offer and so much to give and as you come to this realization, and the understanding that you have endless help and support, it feels like your heart cannot contain it all! Find a way to ground yourself – either through meditation, journalling, breathwork or physical exercise.This will assist you in using this abundant energy, rather than getting overwhelmed by it.

The true message of the Ace of Cups today is that all it takes is a slight shift in your perception to bring about the ability to see the world through love tinted glasses. Today is a new beginning for you as you learn to connect more deeply to what is inside your heart and express it in ways that truly transform the world around you!

*There are still some spaces left in my Full Moon Reading tonight – click here to join!

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Oracle Card for Tuesday!

self care cards cheryl richardson
Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Today’s oracle card is Connection and its message is all about love and living in the heart. The message on the back of this card says “Connect with someone special. A loved one is a gift to treasure.”

When you move from your head down into your heart, the way you understand life shifts dramatically. While the mind’s reality is one of separation, fear, survival, limits and ego, your heart’s reality is all about expansiveness, connection, love and understanding.

If you are having any kind of inner or outer conflict today, move your energy into your heart and notice how your perspective changes.

There are many ways to enter the heart, but these two are my favorites:

1) Imagine a small light in the center of your heart. Breath into your heart and feel that light glow bigger and brighter with each breath, until it is radiating out into the world.

2) Ask yourself what you want to share with the world – what gift you want to give and what part of yourself you are longing to express. (If you are feeling brave, share this with me in the comments section below!)

*You may also want to check out my Sharing Your Gifts Tarot Spread….


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Osho Zen Tarot Card for Monday!

osho zen tarot knight of rainbows
Osho Zen Tarot 

Before I get into today’s reading, I have a favor to ask you!….I am currently creating a Tarot e-book/workshop and I want to get a better idea of what Tarot topics are of interest to my readers. The major question I have is: what are the biggest challenges you face when reading Tarot for others? Just let me know in the comments section – I can’t wait to hear your reply! Thank you in advance 🙂

The Osho Zen Tarot message for today is that its time to slow down and savor life at a snails (or turtles) pace. This will allow you to go deeper and notice things that normally pass you by.

If you have been going along at a hectic pace, try to consciously slow things down this week – whether that means trimming your schedule or trading in TV time for yoga – do what works for you. If you feel like life is going too slow for your liking, take advantage of this time by going within and re-evaluating the direction you are headed in.

In the areas of career and life purpose, take slow, deliberate steps toward your goals. There is no need to rush or panic – take your time. If you are worried about procrastinating, do one small thing each day that brings you closer to your goal. And most importantly, stay present!

*Today is the last day to get in on the early bird special for this Wednesday’s Full Moon Reading on Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity…click here to sign up!

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How to Connect With Your Tarot Deck…in 3 Easy Steps!

Have you ever felt like your Tarot deck just didn’t “get” you? Like it wasn’t really attuned to you at all?

It’s hard to get anything out of your Tarot readings if you feel your deck is just “off”. Your Tarot deck might not be the problem – it could be that your relationship with your deck needs a little TLC.

For the purpose of this article, I want you to think of your Tarot deck as an actual person or conscious being. I know that seems nutsy…..but bear with me! Doing this will change your whole experience of reading Tarot…

Click here to continue reading…

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