Unboxing The Deck of Character!

The Deck of Character is a fun, fresh, modern oracle designed not just for readings but for sparking conversations – with both your friends and your “higher self”!

I’ve been having tons of fun with these cards over the Summer and it’s amazing how a simple drawing can spark so many creative ideas and insights. I have yet to use this deck with friends, but I feel like even those who’ve never read a card before could read these – they are that easy and relatable!

Something I forgot to mention in this video is that I’ve been using this deck for creative writing and journalling and it’s amazing at sparking inspiration. Ideas for characters, plot lines, etc come pouring out of me when I have these cards at the ready.

Check out The Deck of Character here: https://www.thedeckofcharacter.com/

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Joy is Like an STD

Meet my evil, Tarot reading twin Veronica! Feeling lost? In need of some good advice? Well, you’ve come to the wrong place. Veronica loves nothing more than telling other people how to live (and ruin) their lives in spectacular fashion. So take her advice. If you dare…

Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba

Joy is like an STD…it’s contagious!

When you radiate giddy vibes, you effect everyone and everything that’s in your orbit. Lucky them!

From the bursting sun, to the bursting pregnant belly, to the bursting sunflowers, everything in this card seems to be squealing “weeeee! Here we go!”

The Sun is saying “the most rebellious thing you can do right now is allow joy to flow through you!”

But there’s lots of crap that gets in the way. Like the temptation to argue with someone in the comment section of a YouTube video, or the fact it’s laundry day and you need to vacuum.

Joy suckers are around every corner. But so what?

The Sun itself is no different – it gives us skin cancer and wrinkles, yet we need it for vitamin D or we die. Go figure!

So my point is, celebrate life this weekend – even the mundane and crappy aspects of it. Don’t wait for perfection to allow yourself the unfettered joy that is your birthright! Enjoy it NOW!

Also, as a side note, do you think The Sun kind of looks like an exploding ovary?

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Get Your Tarot Questions Ready!

Got questions about Tarot? I hope so!

I’ll be live on my YouTube channel on Thursday, Sept 10th @ 12 noon PDT, ready to chat Tarot with you 🙂

From learning the Tarot card meanings, to feeling more confident while giving a reading, I’m here to share my knowledge, advice and Tarot tips with you ♥

The replay will be available to watch right here on my blog (see below…)



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Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course!

Emma (who posted on
September 5, 2020 at 5:58 pm)
Sue O (who posted on September 6, 2020 at 4:12 am)

Congratulations Emma and Sue! I look forward to having you in my class 🙂

A big huge thank you to everyone who entered ♥ It took me all evening to read each and every post and I have to say…I am impressed. So many of these entries were really, really good and choosing a winner was not an easy task. Thank you everyone for taking the time to be creative and share your thoughts on these cards – you are all bright and shining Tarot stars 🙂



I realize that times are tough right now and not everyone can afford to take my 4-week Tarot course (even if they really, really want to!).

I decided to offer a free scholarship for one student….and then a very generous student of mine (who wishes to remain anonymous) offered to pay the tuition for one lucky person – so now there are TWO scholarships available!

So…if you’d like to enter to win a free scholarship to my upcoming course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading, here’s how to qualify….


1) You must actually want to take my course. So if you’re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure it’s your cup of tea!

2) Have a look at the 3 cards below – they have advice for you about the week ahead. Using ONE SENTENCE PER CARD (yes, I know that’s hard!), what do you think that advice/message is?

*Please feel free to get creative here. Have fun with this! Be as serious or playful as you like. Your interpretations may or may not match the “book meanings” of the cards – that’s okay!

3) Post your interpretation in the comment section below.

The deadline for entering this challenge/contest is Monday, Sept 7th @ 12 noon PDT. I will post an update to this blog post, announcing the winners on Monday evening!!!

Good luck & have fun 🙂

Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba

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Tarot Reading for Aug 31 – Sept 6

It’s almost September! And you know what that means….it’s almost October! My favourite month of all. Pumpkin flavoured things, cinnamon on things, it gets a bit colder and darker and I feel less guilty watching more Netflix in the evenings…but I’m getting ahead of myself!

I am using the Dark Mansion Tarot for this weeks reading…

What do you think the blindfold symbols mean in this reading?

Have a great week 🙂

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Is Free Time the New Taboo?

Meet my evil, Tarot reading twin Veronica! Feeling lost? In need of some good advice? Well, you’ve come to the wrong place. Veronica loves nothing more than telling other people how to live (and ruin) their lives in spectacular fashion. So take her advice. If you dare…

Everyday Witch Tarot

Let’s face it – our society has a perpetual boner for busy-ness and “productivity”.

If you’ve ever heard the ridiculous saying “idle hands are the Devil’s plaything”, you know what I’m talkin’ about. The mainstream loves to demonize down-time.

Why? Because it gives us time and space to realize we’ve been had.

Are you busy? How busy? And most importantly….WHY?

Where is your frantic and repetitive activity taking you? Hopefully not in circles down the drain of existence.

The Eight of Pentacles asks you to take a long, hard, penetrative look at your busy-ness and find the why behind it.

If there’s passion and purpose to all your bustling, that’s wonderful! You’re on your way to sexy success! But if your just “keeping busy” because you fear the social consequences of becoming a full time navel gazer, have a seat and let Veronica talk some sense into you….

It used to be that premarital sex and banging thy neighbour’s wife (or husband) was the filthy taboo du jour, but now it’s enjoying an unstructured moment of goalless serenity that has the pearl clutchers tittering away.

Want to stand out in a crowd and truly shock people? Here’s my formula: the next time some tepid douche asks “keeping busy?” say “NO, not really” and enjoy the moment of awkwardness where they try to hide the fact that they’re harshly judging you. Good times!

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