The Power of 8 is 44 card Chakra Oracle deck created by Trina Amiot and Michelle Gill. Join me as I unbox this deck and look through these cards for the very first time…
These cards have a great feel to them – good quality, matte card stock with rose gold edging and pretty pink card backs. They are easy to handle and shuffle and the box is also nice – it has a magnetic flap which feels good to repeatedly open and close (I get my thrills where I can!) I am familiar with the chakra system, but if you aren’t, there’s a handy little chart right inside the box.
The companion book is in colour and gives additional info on each card and gives helpful ideas on how to incorporate the wisdom of each card into your daily life.
This deck reads surprisingly well! I say “surprisingly” because I have a number of affirmation decks and they usually work best for doing one card draws and journalling, as opposed to doing a multiple card reading.
I also noticed that many of the cards in this deck are different from each other – there is a mix of photographic images of crystal layouts, hand drawn images and images created with other mediums. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like that kind of variety in a reading, but it totally worked.
I can see myself using this deck in many different settings – for myself, for others, for chakra readings, journalling, the list goes on! It’s a high-vibe, fun, useful and versatile deck that is sure to help you on your spiritual journey ♥
We’re smack dab in the middle of November (typically my least favorite month). But instead of getting all depressed like I normally do, I’m diving into this month head first, signing up for online art classes and dance workshops and even starting a new, exciting journalling project!
For this reading I’m using my Modern Witch Tarot – the more I use this deck, the more I like it….
Meet my evil, Tarot reading twin Veronica! Feeling lost? In need of some good advice? Well, you’ve come to the wrong place. Veronica loves nothing more than telling other people how to live (and ruin) their lives in spectacular fashion. So take her advice. If you dare…
Morgan Greer Tarot
Today’s card is The Lovers, which is all about how you relate to your romantic partner, yourself and life itself!
But most importantly, this card is about PLEASURE! Yum.
Your capacity to experience pleasure is directly related to your capacity to engage with life. So if you’re not living a pleasure focused life, it’s time to change that – snippity snap!
Some people think that suffering and hard work lead to success and moral superiority. Those people are fucked.
Those same people probably the The Lovers card is all about finding a soul mate, or at least getting laid. But it isn’t.
The Lovers has popped up today to tell you that it’s high time you started making love – deep, passionate love – to life!
Smell something good today and when you do it, really let that beautiful fragrance penetrate your nose, your mind, your soul. Become one with it.
When you eat your next meal, don’t just stuff your face while you look at your phone, that’s tragic. Instead, let your taste buds worship the food like it’s a hot young gladiator (or whatever your into).
Go for a walk outside and feel the sun on your face, or nips, or whatevs. Notice how the breeze likes to get frisky with your hair, like a flirty nature spirit.
Become a Lover…of life! Don’t just shuffle through your day on autopilot – turn on and tune in. There’s a whole other dimension just waiting for you!
Holy moly! It’s Halloween this week and I didn’t even realize it until after I did this video, otherwise I’d have made a bigger scene about it.
Every Halloween I like to do a special Tarot reading on myself, by candlelight, at midnight! This year will be no exception. Still haven’t decided on what spread I’ll use or what deck, but I’ve still got time to think about it.
Here’s your Tarot forecast for the week ahead, using the Robin Wood Tarot…
I was wandering around my local metaphysical shop this week and stumbled upon the Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle and I did something I never do – I purchased it based solely on the pictures on the box, having no idea what the whole deck actually looked like. I guess I like to live dangerously!
It’s a great deck with a nice, crisp artistic style and the people in it dress way cooler than all those dowdy frumpsters in the original Rider Waite deck. Here’s my very first reading with it…
Right now my life is all about cats, which is why I chose Tarot of the Pagan Cats for this weeks reading….and I’m even joined by two cats for this reading!
These are three pretty intense cards for this week, so remember – these cards aren’t saying this is what’s going to happen, but rather these are the issues and obstacles that you will have a chance to transform and overcome.
Meet my evil, Tarot reading twin Veronica! Feeling lost? In need of some good advice? Well, you’ve come to the wrong place. Veronica loves nothing more than telling other people how to live (and ruin) their lives in spectacular fashion. So take her advice. If you dare…
The Osho Zen Tarot
I was reading an obituary the other day that filled me with despair and sadness. Not because the person I was reading about had died and was missed by loved ones but by how this person was described.
The deceased was described as being a “nice person” who “always put others first” and “only had good words to say” and was “loved by everyone.”
Which got me thinking…if your going to spend what little time you have on this Earth being polite, smiling all the time and not talking shit about everyone, what’s the point?
The card I drew today was The Rebel (aka The Emperor) from the Osho Zen Tarot. What do you think might be in his obit?
More importantly, what will be in yours?
The Rebel advises you to go your own way and forge your own path. This might mean you break some rules or piss a few boring people off. Or not. Depends on what your “path” asks of you.
Perhaps your “path” is to sip tea and play with kittens and take naps and read steamy romance novels while eating raspberry cream cheese muffins.
Fuck. Now I’m hungry.
I guess what I’m saying is what do you want to be remembered for? Are you doing that right now? Or are you doing something else?
I don’t even know the answer to that myself, so don’t feel bad if you don’t either. But I do know this – I’m going to get my enemies to write my obit. Why? Because it will make for a more interesting read than anything my friends and family could come up with!
If YOUR enemies wrote your obit, what would it say? Tell me in the comments below!