My 3 Favorite Tarot Card Spreads…

As I’m preparing for my upcoming webinar/online class on the Celtic Cross Tarot spread, I’ve been thinking a lot about spreads.

Tarot spreads I love, Tarot spreads that suck, and the spreads I come back to again and again like an old boyfriend.

So I thought I’d share my three favorites with you!


Celtic Cross Spread: Revamped

This is actually a spread I use quite a bit. It’s my own version of the Celtic Cross Tarot card spread. I wasn’t in love with the original Celtic Cross spread, so I switched some things up. For me reading with this spread feels like putting on a pair of old jeans – comfy and classic.

Celtic Cross Spread RevampedFor a full explanation of this spread, go here.


Self Love Spread

Don’t get too excited, it’s not as dirty as it sounds!
If you have my Tarot Card Spreads for Love, Sex & Relationships, you might recognize this one.

While this is an important Tarot spread for everyone to do, I haven’t done it in ages! Probably why I hate myself 🙁 Just kidding. But really, I need to remember to do this one at least once a year.

self love spreadGo here for the full description of this spread.


Connect with Your Spirit Guides & Angels Tarot Spread

Like the title suggests, this spread helps you connect to the more ethereal, divine side of your life. This spread is a really fun one and it’s fun to do this one when you’re trying to make a big decision or needing inspiration for a project or something…

connect with your spirit guide tarot spread

Go here for the full description of this Tarot card spread.

I hope you have a ball trying out these spreads and come join me on June 16th for my webinar on the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread 🙂

celtic cross banner 2What is your favorite, go-to Tarot spread?

let me know in the comments below….

My 3 Favorite Tarot Card Spreads… Read More »

Everyone wants to “transform” themselves. Ugggh!

VeronicaVeronica is my evil tarot reading twin. Each friday she graces us with her presence and offers up her best advice….

Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

Everyone wants “transformation”!

If you’ve ever been to a life coach’s website or even a new agey site, you will see the word “transformation” splattered all over it, like seagull crap on a pier.

But what IS “transformation”? Simple answer: DEATH!

Oh, so you want to “transform” your life? No, you want your old self to die off.

Do you want to “transform” your thinking? No, you want to murder your negative thoughts.

So why does everyone go around saying “blah blah blah, transformational, blah blah, bullshit, bullshit, blab”?

Because Death is the low effort option, whereas Transformation sounds like a lot of exhausting, hard work, which most average dumbfucks looooove. Or at least love to talk about.

So this weekend, ask yourself: “what old habits would l like to lay to rest?”

OR “what part of my life would l like to have a mini funeral for?”

OR “what aspects of myself would l like to violently shank to death and then forcibly reincarnate as something entirely different?” oh, wait, that sounds more like “transformation”. Nevermind!

Everyone wants to “transform” themselves. Ugggh! Read More »

Stop being polite and start giving unsolicited advice!

veronica 2Veronica is my evil twin/alter ego and she takes over my blog on Friday’s to impart her bitchy wisdom. When she isn’t Tarot reading, she’s seducing some buff young thing at the gym, penning sultry smut on her laptop and knocking back the martinis while laughing maniacally at some mediocre romantic comedy…

queen of coins
Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

Today’s Tarot card is the Queen of Coins (aka Queen of Pentacles) and she’s just trudged onto the scene to tell you “don’t be afraid to put your nose in other people’s business!”

We often think of the Queen of Coins as having nurturing qualities and being down to earth and good with money. But she’s got a dark side….

This Queen is also a nosy busy-body who likes to muscle in and let you know her opinion on every matter.

From the state of your barren uterus (when are you going to have children?!) to your choice in self help books (you should be reading Wayne Dyer not Osho!), she just can’t keep her crappy opinions to herself.

If you know someone like this, you probably can’t stand her. But admit it….you kind of want to act like her some days. I know you’re just dying to ask people inappropriate questions and then offer up your unsolicited advice. Well, my friend, today is the day to do just that!

Don’t censor yourself today.

Don’t tell yourself it’s none of my business.

Today, everything is your business and everyone needs to hear your advice.

Have fun 😉


Stop being polite and start giving unsolicited advice! Read More »

I should be participating? No thanks.

veronica 2Veronica is my evil twin sister who spends her days flirting with 20-year-old boys, suntanning topless on public beaches and saying NO to charities….she needs that money for martinis! Let’s see what evil advice she has for us today…

Osho Zen Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is Participation (aka Four of Wands).

When I was in elementary school, my teachers were always blathering on and on about “participation.” As in “Veronica, why aren’t you participating?”

Well, for starters I don’t participate in things that are stupid (like dodgeball) and I certainly don’t participate in things just because generic rule followers request it of me.

So take a look at your life today and notice what kinds of things you’re participating in. Do you enjoy it? Does it bring you satisfaction? Or are you doing it to appease someone?

For example, do you participate in donating to the charity of the week when you’re going through the checkout at Costco? Is it because you want to? Or is it because you’re worried that if you don’t, all those hot dog munchers behind you will think you’re a heartless bitch?

Participation is wonderful when it brings people together and diabolical when it forces you to just go through the motions for fear of being ostracized !

I should be participating? No thanks. Read More »

My Top 10 Tarot Decks

Just for fun, I have rounded up my top ten Tarot decks! Out of all the decks in my Tarot deck collection (and there are many), these are the decks I go back to again and again.

As an adventurous and promiscuous Tarot lover, I may scamper off with other decks from time to time just for the thrill, but I always return to these ones because I know I’m always guaranteed a satisfying, soul quenching reading.

These decks are in no particular order. I love #1 just as much as #10!

1. Dame Darcy’s Mermaid Tarot

For many years I have been waiting to find THE perfect Tarot deck. A deck that just clicks with me and makes me feel at home. For me, this is that deck.

dame darcy tarot

There is so much I love about this deck – the nautical theme, the mermaids, the hand written card names, barely-there borders, matte finish, blah, blah, blah….but the real magic is in the energy of these cards.

This is a one of a kind, special deck – not just visually, but energetically. I feel like I am truly tapping into my gypsy, tarot reading self when I read with these cards.

Watch me read with this deck

Buy this deck on Etsy


2. Osho Zen Tarot

When I first saw the Osho Zen Tarot deck I didn’t like it at all. I don’t know why, but it seemed almost too simple. Then a few years later, I saw it again and absolutely had to have it!

osho zen tarot

Since then I have spent hours working with these cards. I find them to be excellent at getting to the real meat of a situation – the deep, underlying issues that need to be recognized.

If your into things like Eckhart Tolle, Eastern spirituality and meditation, then you will really enjoy working with this deck. It’s not “new-agey” or anything like that, but if your interested in understanding the inner workings of your self, ego and mind, then this deck will help you along the way.

I think that both men and women will equally enjoy this deck – many Tarot decks are a bit girly and fluffy, but not the Osho Zen.

Read my full review of this deck!

Check it out on Amazon


3. Hezicos Tarot

There is so much I could say about the Hezicos Tarot! Whimsical, fun and insightful, I love using this deck for self readings. The images and symbols on the cards really pull me in and I find myself going on a mini-journey into my self each time I read with this deck.

hezicos tarot

Read my full review of this deck!

Update: this deck is now out of print 🙁


4. Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Here is a good old, classic Tarot deck! I always recommend this deck as the deck to learn on, because if you learn with this deck, you will be able to easily read with most other decks that are based on the Rider-Waite structure and symbolism.

universal waite tarot

To be perfectly honest, this deck isn’t my favorite deck to read with, but it is one of my favorite decks to meditate with and to study.

Read my full review of this deck right here

Check out this deck on Amazon


5. Crystal Visions Tarot

This deck has been a long-standing fave of mine. I ended up trimming my deck to get rid of the annoying white borders, so the cards in this photo look a bit different from when I first got them.

crystal visions tarot

This is a gentle and mystical deck with a girly vibe. I like using it for professional readings because there are no scary looking cards and everyone seems to love this deck.

Read my full review of this deck!

Check it out on Amazon


 6. Morgan-Greer Tarot

Now here’s a succulent, colourful deck that’s just bursting with 1970’s sexiness!  Handlebar mustaches and fertile flowers bloom unfettered by mojo-killing borders. This is one of the few decks out there that is borderless – and thank God for that!

morgan greer tarot

I accidentally bough the Spanish version of this deck – which is actually a good way to learn a few Spanish words – but you might not want to do that if your a total beginner who doesn’t speak Spanish!

Watch me read with this deck

Check it out on Amazon!


7. Hanson-Roberts Tarot

This is the deck I usually take with me when I travel and there are 3 reasons why I love it…

hanson roberts tarot

1. This deck closely follows the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, so it’s easy for beginners

2. Cards are quite small –  like a mini deck – and can easily be carried in your purse or pocket. This makes them easy to handle and less intimidating than a full size deck.

3. Images are fairytale-ish and even a bit childish, which gives the deck a gentle feel to it.

Watch me read with this deck

Check out this deck on Amazon


8. Shadowscapes Tarot

This deck is super atmospheric and gazing at these cards can transport you to another world – especially if you’re the spacey-outey type like me!

I love using this deck for both professional and self readings. My only gripe is that the cards are very detailed and so I find myself squinting a bit. But nobody’s perfect!

shadowscapes tarot

Read my full review of this deck

Check it out on Amazon


9. Anna K Tarot

This is one of my most “down to earth” decks – when I read with this deck, it just makes sense, especially as it pertains to my everyday life.

The cards closely follow the Rider-Waite-Smith imagery, so this is a great deck for beginners to learn Tarot with.

anna k tarot

Watch me read with this deck

Check it out on Amazon


10. Druidcraft Tarot

This deck has major personality! The people on these cards can sometimes seem a bit fugly, but they’re always easy to relate to.

What I love about this deck:

1. Big cards! Yes, it makes it impossible to shuffle but the cards act as windows into a different realm. A realm I want to endlessly scamper about in.

2. Druidy vibe and magical feel – you really feel like your using a special deck of cards when you do a reading with the Druidcraft.

3. The companion book – if you can, it’s worth it to get the book and deck set. I usually ignore most companion books, but this one has a lot of good info and fun spreads and stuff. You will want the book especially if you’re interested in druidry or earth based spirituality.

Watch me read with this deck

Check it out on Amazon


What are your favorite decks?

In the comments below, tell me what Tarot decks light your fire. Which decks feel like a comfy, monogamous relationship? Which decks do you rely on for good, solid readings?

My Top 10 Tarot Decks Read More »

Here’s a true story….


Veronica Noir is an anarchist, International woman of mystery, banana bread lover, frantic scrawler of smut and just happens to be my evil twin/alter ego. She is also away on vacation at the moment, so I’m re-posting a reading she did a year ago….but in it she tells a great story (which is half true!) and I think you’ll find it timely and delightful!


Have you been judging yourself lately?

Do you think you should be thinner, more motivated, more successful and more interesting than you actually are?

Maybe that’s not true. Maybe you should be exactly as you are.

Let me tell you a story.

I once had a job interview for a job I felt I was underqualified for (International Spy).

I had no experience whatsoever and to top if off I was late for the interview – my black Lamborghini broke down on the way there – and by the time I arrived I was panting and sweaty.

Turns out, the interviewer was kind of a perv and my heaving bosom and flushed skin turned him on. And the fact I had no qualifications only inflated his ego and made him feel superior to me. I got the job!

So let me say it again: you are perfect just the way you are. This weekend, release any self-judgements and just enjoy life!

Here’s a true story…. Read More »

Why glue guns = enlightenment

veronica 2Veronica is my evil alter ego whom I let take over my blog on Fridays. Between martinis and cigarettes she dishes out advice – some terrible, some brilliant. Let’s see what she has to say about the Eight of Pentacles….

8 of pents
Housewives Tarot

Today is the day you will become fully present and attain spiritual enlightenment.

Maybe only for 15 seconds….but it still counts!

The Eight of Pentacles is all about doing some activity that helps you get to that empty brain place where you just aren’t thinking about anything at all.

Annoying “spiritual” people try to do this through sitting on a special meditation cushion and holding their fingers in a particular way….pffft!

The same results can be had by doing arts and crafts. So paint a picture of some boring flowers or do a sketch of an exciting, sexy person! Or glue gun the shit out of something.

Once you stop fretting about the artistic merit of your creations, you will find that your mind stops its incessant chattering. Thank fuck!

Why glue guns = enlightenment Read More »

New Podcast: Our Favorite Books & Decks

In our latest Menage a Tarot podcast episode, David, Ronda and I had a blast discussing the Tarot books and decks that had the strongest influence on our Tarot journeys.

Listen & Download


For more episodes, check out the Menage a Tarot website!

Happy listening 🙂

New Podcast: Our Favorite Books & Decks Read More »

The REAL reason you feel so f**king bored!

VeronicaVeronica is my evil twin/alter ego and she’s here to day to share her diabolical Tarot wisdom with you…..

tarot of the pagan cats
Tarot of Pagan Cats

This Four of Cups Tarot card shows one seriously bored pussy! Look closely and you’ll see a turtle delivering a cup to her, but she’s all like “meh”.

Are you feeling a little bored today? How about numb? Are you feeling blah or just simply unenthused at the predictable monotony that has somehow become your daily life?

Here’s a secret that I just figured out the other day. Boredom and apathy often show up when you want to say or do something but end up saying or doing something else instead because, well, others want you to. OR you just don’t have the guts to be your authentic self in that moment.

For example, maybe your authentic self really wanted to sprint naked through dewy fields this morning and then commune with the flowers on your sundeck while you sipped strawberry tea and ate white chocolate and raspberry scones…..

But your inauthentic self said NO! and instead you grudgingly pulled on your polyester uniform and trudged off to your customer service job where you are forced to be polite to assholes all day long.

So of course your bored! But that boredom and numbness is actually masking a deep sadness, which in turn is masking a volcanic rage….rage at not allowing yourself to do the things you truly want to do in this lifetime.

So take a moment to reflect and ask yourself “what do I really, truly want to do today?” and find a way to make it happen in some small way – even if it means prancing nude past your neighbors spiritually castrated shrubbery.

The REAL reason you feel so f**king bored! Read More »

Tarot Card Combinations Exercise!

As I was writing my upcoming Tarot card meanings e-book, which should be out in June, I had a bit of an epiphany and an idea for a fun Tarot exercise.

My epiphany was this: the Major Arcana in the Tarot (The Fool through to The World) represent different aspects of your self, while the Minor Arcana represent the different aspects your life.

This of course is not my own idea, as I’m sure it’s been written about in many Tarot books before, but I really truly got it as I was writing this book. It was one of those things I already knew intellectually, but suddenly understood it on a deeper level.

So here’s my idea for a fun Tarot exercise:

As a way to practice card combinations, lets pair up a Major Arcana card with a Minor Arcana card (not a court card, though). I chose the The Emperor and the Four of Cups.

emperor and four of cups
Universal Waite Tarot


How would The Emperor deal with feeling bored and uninspired (Four of Cups)?

Or, how does your inner Emperor – the part of yourself that is independent, a bit rebellious and stubborn – respond to feeling this way? When you feel like the mopey moper in the Four of Cups, how does that effect your ability to be the Emperor in your own life (ie: the captain of your ship)?

Personally, when I’m feeling bored and blah about life, I tend to feel un-confident about making decisions and taking charge of my own life. This is when I might sleep till noon and spend the evening watching shit TV or reading celebrity gossip blogs. Aka Saturdays.

Let’s try another!

How would Death – the part of you that ruthlessly clears out what is no longer needed  – experience the Ten of Wands (feeling overburdened and exhausted by crummy chores and stuff)?

death and ten of wands
Universal Waite Tarot


I’ll bet he’d delegate certain chores and start saying “no” more often. He would have no trouble allowing things to die (like droopy houseplants, dull friendships or lacklustre hobbies) if the upkeep of those things didn’t make him feel alive.

Through this exercise, you’re able to learn things about yourself and explore all the possibilities of who you really are.

Now it’s your turn!

Choose your favorite Major Arcana card and then randomly pick a card from the Minor Arcana. Ask yourself this:

1. When I feel like the Minor Arcana card, how does that effect the part of myself that is like the Major Arcana card?

2. How would the part of myself that is like the Major Arcana card deal with the life situation illustrated by the Minor Arcana card?

3. What does this tell you about yourself? Is it relevant to your life right now?

Share your results and interpretation in the comments below 🙂

Tarot Card Combinations Exercise! Read More »