Tarot Reading for Sept 25 – Oct 1

Before we dive into this week’s reading, I want to let you know that I’m having a scholarship contest for my upcoming 4 week Tarot course – Go HERE for all the details!

Okay, now onto the reading! I’m out in nature with my This Might Hurt Tarot for this reading…

Have a good week šŸ™‚

Tarot Reading for Sept 25 – Oct 1 Read More Ā»

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course!

UPDATE: The winner is….

Sarah Green!

Congratulations Sarah – I look forward to having you in my class!

A huge thank you to everyone who entered ā™„ I had so much fun sitting down tonight and reading everyone’s responses – it was kind of like taking a strange, kooky, mini-course on the tarot – I feel like I know so many cards so much more intimately now. And that’s saying a lot!

Each and every response I read was charming in it’s own way and SO MANY of them really made me smile. Thank you again for taking the time to participate in this exercise and share your love of Tarot with me, may you all find inspiration, joy and warmth on your Tarot journeys!



Registration just opened for my 4-week Tarot course The Daily Tarot Girlā€™s Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading, with classes starting on October 4th. (UPDATE: Registration is now CLOSED).

I realize that not everyone is in a financial position to take my course, even if they really, really want to. So Iā€™m offering a free scholarship for one lucky Tarot student!

If youā€™d like to enter to win a free scholarship for my upcoming course onĀ  Intuitive Tarot Reading, hereā€™s how to qualifyā€¦.


1) Make sure you actually want to take my course. So if youā€™re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure itā€™s your cup of tea!

2) Choose your favourite Tarot card ā€“ if this card was a person, what kind of personality would they have? Spend some time contemplating this. What would be their likes and dislikes? Their obsessions? What kind of movies would they watch? Books? What would be their favourite drink? What do they excel at? What do they struggle with? Etc…

*Please feel free to get creative here. Have fun with this! Be as serious or playful as you like. Jot all your ideas down on a piece of paper.

3) Post the following in the comment section below.
The Tarot card you chose
ā™„ 3 things from your brainstorm list – so 3 personality quirks

Here’s an example:
My chosen card: The High Priestess
3 Personality quirks: she loves keeping secrets, likes to sip London fog lattes at midnight and she’s obsessed with cats!

Have fun with this and I can’t wait to read your responses ā™„

PS – If your comment doesn’t show up right away, don’t worry. I just have to approve it and it will show up a bit later.

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course! Read More Ā»

Tarot Card Reading for Sept 11 – 17

Before we get into the reading for the week ahead, I want to let you know that I’ll be doing an Ask Me Anything style live Tarot Q&A on my YouTube channel on Tuesday, Sept 12th @ 11am PDT. Come hang out with me, sip tea and ask me all your wild questions about Tarot!

For this week’s reading, I’m using The Slavic Legends Tarot and I’m joined by my cheeky cat Merlina…

Have a good week šŸ™‚


Tarot Card Reading for Sept 11 – 17 Read More Ā»

Tarot Reading for Sept 4 – 10

I’m so excited to use my newest Tarot deck – the Genius Garden Tarot by Jessi Huntenburg! Let’s see what ideas, wisdom and insights the cards have for us this week…

If you’d like to see this entire deck, here’s my unboxing video for the Genius Garden Tarot

You can purchase this deck here and through Kickstarter.

Have a good week!

Tarot Reading for Sept 4 – 10

Page of Pentacles – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you! Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 9 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards ā€“ each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but weā€™ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

Iā€™ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level.

Today weā€™re diving into the Page of Pentaclesā€“ studious, curious, and THIRSTY for knowldege, he’s the Tarot’s favourite nerd!

Sit back, relax and discover the secrets, wisdom and talents of this Pageā€¦

Element = Earth (physicality, body, health, money, home)

Keywords/Personality traits:

Student, practical, grounded, a bit nerdy, learning how to be successful, learning how to lay the foundation and get started. Heā€™s curious, optimistic, motivated, studious, willing to learn, and a bit naive but determined to thrive in the physical world.


Pentacle = monetary symbol, heā€™s holding it up, observing it, revering it

stance = unsure of himself

field of flowers = calm landscape

green smock = heā€™s ā€œgreenā€ (new)

fancy red hat = comes from wealth


The Page of Pentacles is a fast learner with a sharp memory and a thirst for knowledge! Heā€™s got a fresh, young mind thatā€™s ready to learn and absorb all the info and wisdom he can, however heā€™s a bit ā€œgreenā€ ā€“ his youth and inexperience means he is a bit naive but hasnā€™t yet developed any bad habits or a jaded outlook.

This Page is both optimistic AND realistic – he has dreams but they are all very achievable and he doesn’t doubt for a second that he’s perfectly capable of figuring it all out.

At a partyā€¦

Heā€™s shy and quiet overall, but if heā€™s asked about one of his favourite subjects (like books or comics), heā€™ll open up and chatter away wildly!

Heā€™s a bit of a wallflower and tends to merge into the background. Heā€™s not exactly uncomfortable at a party, but he isnā€™t exactly at ease, either. However, he rarely goes to parties because heā€™s usually busy studying in his room.

In loveā€¦

The Page of Pentacles is honest, genuine and affectionate but completely lacks the ability to be romantic or erotically exciting. He sees no point in playing silly games and really doesnā€™t understand this aspect of dating, rendering him oblivious to playful flirtations and sexy ā€œvibesā€. If you want to date this Page, donā€™t bother dropping subtle hints because he wonā€™t get them ā€“ instead, be upfront about it.

Heā€™s very straightforward when it comes to his feelings and his approach to relationships and heā€™s seeking a partner who matches his focus and motivation in life. Heā€™s horrifically turned off by people who are lost or ā€œfinding themselvesā€ – he wants someone with a plan!

Since he values stability over excitement, he craves a sturdy, monogamous relationship that emphasizes planning for the future and building a life together. Heā€™s not afraid of commitment but will most likely put his studies or career first and then, once that part of his life is secure, turn his attentions to a relationship.

In workā€¦

Heā€™s hardworking, organized, eager to learn and improves quickly. If youā€™re a boss, youā€™ll love this page, but if heā€™s your co-worker, his keener attitude might get on your nerves.

The Page of Pentacles is typically an intern, practicum student or new hire. He asks a lot of questions of everyone and really just wants to learn everything about his new workplace. It can be a bit much.

In moneyā€¦.

This Page is just learning how to manage his finances and build his wealth, so heā€™s not wealthy yet but he will be eventually. So calm down.

Heā€™s thrifty and sensible with money and is more motivated by the stability money brings as opposed to the flashy luxury side of it, making him decidedly ā€œun-funā€ as a rich person. You wonā€™t find him flashing his wealth once he attains it as he finds the idea of luxury a bit frivolous and ostentatious.

This Page thrives onā€¦

Learning and gaining new experiences in his chosen field of work/study and being able to pick the brains of experts and knowledgeable people. He also loves visiting museums and libraries and reading non-fiction books so he can learn boring facts that he can later regurgitate in social settings to impress others (or so he thinks).

He does well in an organized environment where the path to success is laid out clearly and rationally and takes little creativity to figure out.

Most of all, he thrives on creating stability for himself.

He canā€™t standā€¦

People who are unstable, flaky and flighty! The Page of Pentacles is a straight shooter and he detests false promises, insincerity and being deceived or tricked in any way.

People who withhold information and brush off his questions irritate him, as does anyone who ā€œputs on airsā€ or tries to be mysterious.

Instability of any kind – financial, emotional or otherwise ā€“ is his kryptonite. He hates it! He also canā€™t stand feeling like heā€™s not making any progress.

Dark side of the Page of Pentacles

Luckily, this Pageā€™s dark side is mostly related to his youth and naivety and will lessen over time. Heā€™s very naive to the fact that not everyone has a good family support system like he does and canā€™t understand why everyone doesnā€™t just go to university.

He believes that if you work hard, youā€™ll succeed and be rewarded, because thatā€™s always been true for him. He tends to look down on those that lack his peppy, motivated attitude and will come up with simplistic explanations for things like poverty, addiction and crime.

Practices to embody this card:

-read a history book (or some other non-fiction book)

-take a university course and study, study, study!

-learn about financial management or building wealth

Journalling Questions:

ā™„ Do you know anyone like this Page?

ā™„ What aspects of this Page do you most relate to?

ā™„ Which aspect of this page would you like to incorporate into your life more?

ā™„ What new things are you excited to learn?


Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Page of Pentacles do you most relate to? Let me know in the comments belowā€¦

ā™„ Join me next time as I dive into the Page of Swords ā€“ the most unstable character in the Tarot! He’s gonna be fun šŸ˜‰ Hop on my mailing list so you wonā€™t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

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Page of Pentacles – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More Ā»