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Welcome to part 13 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.
I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level.
Let’s dive into the King of Pentacles – he’s successful, stable and practical but he loves to eat and drink and laze around in his housecoat. Is he prime sugar daddy material? Or giving divorced dad energy? Or BOTH?
Sit back, relax and discover the personality, meanings and secret symbols of this King…
Element = Earth (physical, grounding, money, body, health)
Keywords/Personality Traits
Stable, successful, confident, generous, provider, prosperous, dependable, loves leisure, grounded, hedonistic, sensual, mildly domineering, sugar daddy material, loves life and enjoys good food and wine!
grapes = wine, Dionysus, indulgence
foot on beast’s head = conquering something, domineering (mild)
bull’s heads on throne = bullish, determined, stubborn
The King of Pentacles is naturally gifted at making money and he often has several different income streams going at once. He excels in business whether it’s starting businesses, acquiring and growing them or just doing wheely dealy business deals.
He radiates relaxed success and confidence, making him someone you want to do business with or perhaps even date or marry!
At a Party…
If you run into the King of Pentacles at a party it’s likely a party he’s hosting! He loves to host lavish dinner parties, some of which progress into spontaneous, wine-fuelled orgies (that’s his Dionysion spirit showing!)
He loves to wine and dine people! He’ll take you out for an amazing meal, share a bottle or two of his vintage wine and it will be a relaxed and leisurely evening, with dessert, apertifs and plenty of laughter.
In work…
The King of Pentacles is The Boss – he just naturally gravitates to being in charge. He’s not a power hungry control freak but he likes to call the shots. He is mildly domineering and can be a bit bullish and stubborn in getting his way, but he’s typically fairly easygoing.
He’s not exactly hard working and is good at setting things up so they run smoothly on their own, effortlessly making him money. He’s not interested in getting involved in the daily grind, preferring to leave that to others.
At work, he’s the boss who always rolls in late and goes on three hour long lunch breaks and martini laden “business meetings” but he’s usually pretty laid back and never micromanages. Overall, he creates a fun work environment for everyone.
In love…
This is where his Sugar Daddy nature really shines! He’s very sensual and generous – enjoying the art of wining and dining his love interests and showing off the fact that he has money, power and influence.
He’s very stable and dependable, so he’s always on time and never flakes out on dates. In the bedroom, he loves a long, slow, sensual oil massage while feeding each other grapes!
While he may buy his lover many gifts, he’s not always as emotionally available as they would like. He sometimes lacks emotional depth and sensitivity, leaving his lovers frustrated. He also thinks that as long as he’s a good provider, he can do whatever he wants in the relationship. His partner may say “we rarely spend time together! I want more intimacy” and he’ll say “but I bought you x, y and z, so what’s the problem?”
He can become complacent in relationships once he has what he wants (once he’s won the prize) but in turn, he’s very undemanding and doesn’t expect much from his love interests.
In Money…
Making money comes naturally to the King of Pentacles, but he tends to overspend sometimes, particularly on lavish or indulgent things. Overall he’s very practical but he has this flamboyant, bougie side that comes out in lavish dinner parties and glitzy vacations.
He knows how to manage his money and organize his finances, avoiding risky investments but occasionally splurging out on something luxurious.
He Thrives on…
Being in charge, making business deals and acquiring new businesses. He loves hosting dinner parties and wine soaked orgies in his mansion!
Dark Side of the King of Pentacles…
He tends to overindulge in his favourite things – good food, wine and sex. Slothfulness, excessive drinking and slobish behaviour are all some of his darker traits. Just imagine a messy mansion with a half eaten feast strewn across the table, an orgy unfolding in the living room and booze everywhere!
Sometimes he puts too much importance on money, valuing it above all else and becoming obsessed with making more of it. Snoooze! Very unoriginal.
What does it MEAN?
When this King shows up in your reading, he tells you to have confidence in yourself, perhaps start your own business or be more assertive at work and in your relationships. Don’t forget to enjoy life! Balance out work and play, conquer your fears and anxieties, ground your energy and focus on creating stability in your life.
The King of Pentacles encourages you to take a confident, yet relaxed and grounded approach to something.
King of Pentacles Reversed
Perhaps you’re struggling to thrive in business or you’ve been feeling really un-grounded and unstable lately. You might be overdoing it with the food and booze or becoming lazy and complacent in your career or relationships. You may also be lacking confidence in yourself when it comes to making money.

Embody it…
-Set up multiple income streams (this is a very King of Pentacles thing to do!)
-Go on a 3 martini lunch and order dessert. Take your f**king time.
-Host a lavish dinner party and invite your most fun friends to join in on the mayhem!
Journalling Questions:
♥ What aspects of this King do you relate to?
♥ Who in your life is like the King of Pentacles?
♥ Where in your life could you use the confident, grounding energy of this King?
♥ What is your relationship to being “in charge”? Or being “the provider”?
Tell me your thoughts!
Did you enjoy this deep dive? Who do you know that’s just like this King? Let me know in the comments below…
♥ Join me next time as I dive into the King of Swords – he’s serious, uptight and has no sense of humour….unless it’s dark and highly inappropriate! Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!
***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***
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Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)
Loved this article!
The way you explained the King of Pentacles really brought out his energy of stability and success. By the way, I quite enjoyed the examples of people who embody this card!
Your insights really made this easy to understand how to harness this energy in life.
Thanks for sharing xx
Glad you enjoyed, Wenyue! Thanks for commenting 🙂
I just saw your video on the King of Pentacles and what came to me on the dark side of this card is that in love he may have a stable relationship, but he also has a mistress that he likes to give expensive gifts to and wine and dine. He wants it all, right? That’s the Dionysian side of him. Can’t get enough of money, love or pleasure.
I thoroughly enjoyed your interpretation of the King of Pentacles.
Absolutely! I can definitely picture the King of Pents doing something like this. Glad you enjoyed – thanks for watching and commenting ♥
Thanks for this Kate. I love all your deep dives.
You’re very welcome, Jennifer 🙂 Good to hear it!
Wow thanks Kate an amazing in depth interpretation! I have many earthy friends the females are not so much like him, but two males. Both millionaires quite contrasting. One spends his money on properties and often gifts me with 3 kilos of lentils and porridge ! LOL! I’m vegan btw. The 2nd one is a classical Ebeneezer Scrooge, he hoards his money, checks his bank a/c regularly. Never splashes on anything, never gifts charities and his gifts to me have been bargain basement cheapo biscuits @ 99p a tin, and the cheapest wine, @ £1.99p a bottle !! And pemanently has £ sign in his eyes.
I can’t relate to King p I am air sign, and gifts, money luxuries hold little value to me blessed be to you and Merlina x
Glad you enjoyed this and thanks for sharing about the two King of Pentacles characters in your life 🙂 Too funny about the cheap one! LOL!
Loved listening to your interpretation of this fabulous King Kate. Always memorable and assists my tarot growth. 💕
I’m so happy to hear that, Lauren ♥ Glad you found this helpful and thank you for watching 🙂
You asked if I knew anyone like this king. I do not, but would like to. What a great date for someone who likes to have a good time, be wined and dined in a very fine fashion, but it not interested in a 1-1 relationship leading to something deeper.
Cheryl, I couldn’t agree more! He seems like he’s a lot of fun 🙂