Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Free Tarot Readings at my Spring Tarot Party!

Join me on Thursday, April 23rd @ 12 Noon PDT for a fun, Tarot reading packed Livestream on my YouTube channel!

I will be doing free, one-card Tarot readings for anyone who wants one! Please note: I probably won’t be able to read for everyone who shows up live, but I do my best to read for as many people as I can.

It’s been a while since my last Tarot party and I’m excited to get my cards out and sling some readings for you 🙂 These events are fun, laid back and full of Tarot wisdom – I can’t wait!!!!

How to participate: at 12 Noon PDT (on Thursday), go here to join in live. If you can’t make it live, you can always watch the replay 🙂

Hope to see you there!

Free Tarot Readings at my Spring Tarot Party! Read More »

Tarot Spread: Exploring Aspects of Your Self

Staying inside for long periods of time can be a blessing or a curse (usually both!) because it forces us to confront ourselves. Sort of.

There’s still The Internet and the myriad of entertainment possibilities like TV shows, movies, podcasts, porn, video games, books, picking fights with one’s husband, etc, that can serve as glorious distractions.

BUT….when you can no longer venture outside, eventually you must venture inside. And what better way to do it than with a juicy-fun Tarot spread?

So dust off your Tarot deck, light some smelly incense and let’s get witchy…


Some questions you may want to ask each card:

What part of myself does this card represent?

How do I feel about this part of myself? How do I treat it?

What role does this part play in my life right now?

What figure am I most drawn to? What happens when I embody that figure?

If these cards could talk to each other, what would they say?

Hope you find this spread fun and insightful and as always, I hope you are healthy, safe and peaceful 🙂

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How to Read Tarot During Stressful Times

I just did a livestream on how to read Tarot during times of stress, as I know most of us are feeling pretty overwhelmed right now. Below is the replay of that livestream, along with a PDF handout (this includes a Tarot spread, my 4 tips for reading Tarot and a worksheet). For the written version of this livecast, just keep reading….

Get the PDF handout right here.

We are most drawn to Tarot during difficult and uncertain times because this is when we crave answers, guidance and comfort!

Yet, reading Tarot when we’re stressed and hungry for “answers” is sometimes the WORST time to do a reading!

Remaining objective and unbiased can be difficult, especially if you’re reading about something near and dear to your heart. Being highly emotional can cloud your intuition and rational though, making you hyper sensitive to those “negative” cards.

Sometimes doing a Tarot reading will only create more stress than before. So what to do? Should you avoid reading Tarot altogether? No! Do this instead…


Your intuition is best heard when you’re calm as high emotions can drown out intuitive guidance as well as rational thought. So it’s important to take the time to relax and centre yourself before you reach for your Tarot cards.

Start by accepting yourself as you are right now. Acknowledge how you feel and tell yourself that’s okay…. for example, you might say “right now I feel anxious and hopeless….and that’s okay. I love and accept myself anyway.”

Place a hand on your stomach and one on your heart. As you inhale, breathe down into your belly, so that the hand on your belly rises before the hand on your chest.

If you really want to get fancy, extend your exhale slightly. Focus on a long, smooth exhale that is slightly longer than your inhale. If you inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 4. After just a few breaths like this you should be calm as f*ck.


Before consulting your tarot cards, ask yourself “how do I want to feel in this situation?”

Asking “how do I want to feel?” automatically helps you shift your focus away from the problem and into a more positive mindset.

Once you are clear on how you’d like to feel, bust out your Tarot cards and ask  “how can I feel _____?”

The card(s) that you draw will give you guidance as to what actions to take, what strengths you can tap into, etc.


Ask your Tarot deck questions that will reduce your stress and not add to it.

Questions to avoid…

-what should i do?

-what do i need to know?

-why is this happening?

-what will happen?

All these questions could add to your stress and create even more anxiety. If you can avoid asking directly about the issue that is bothering you, do it.

For example, instead of asking “will my finances improve this year?” ask something like “what should I focus on to improve my finances?”

Questions to ask…

-how can i feel the way I want to feel?

-how can I make things better?

-how can i make the most out of this?

-what is my PURPOSE right now?

-what should I focus on?

-what strengths do I have that will help me now?

These questions help you shift into a state of empowerment and lead to a more helpful, calming reading.

Step Four – Focus the reading on what you can DO (rather on what will HAPPEN)

This puts you in the drivers seat of your life! If you just focus a reading on The Future and what will happen, you end up feeling like a helpless wimp!

If you get any “negative” Tarot cards in your reading, know that they aren’t there to predict gloom and doom but they’re telling you what needs to be released and how to improve things.

Hope you found all this helpful and I hope it leads to some calming and helpful Tarot readings 🙂

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Tarot Reading for March 30 – April 5

Before I get into this week’s Tarot reading, I want to let you know I’ll be live on my YouTube channel on Wed, April 1st at 12 Noon PDT – the live event is called How to Read Tarot During Stressful Times.

I’ll be sharing my best Tarot reading tips on how to read for yourself (or others) about intense and stressful topics. You can find the live event right here (a replay will be available)- hope to see you there 🙂

Hope you are well and having a good week 🙂

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Live Event TOMORROW! Let’s make an Anti-Vision Board Together!

Bizarre times call for bizarre craft projects!

Remember those vision boarding parties back in the 2000’s?

Well I’m about to throw and anti-vision boarding party…and guess what? You’re invited!!!!

A “vision board” is where you clip out pictures and words that represent what you want to manifest in your life and then glue it on a board and hang it on your wall. So 2006!

An anti-vision board is where you clip out images, words and phrases that represent what you actively DISLIKE. Then you glue these on a board or mug to create an edgy and disturbing art piece! Very 2020.

Fun? You bet it is!

Okay, I can hear what your mind beginning to protest “but why focus on the negative? Won’t I end up manifesting what I DON’T want?”

No. The object of an anti-vision board isn’t manifestation, but cathartic expression of everything you vehemently reject.

FACT: Your anti-vision board says a lot about you. Much more than a regular old vision board. You might even call anti-vision boarding a potent (and hilarious!) form of “shadow work”.

What’s on my anti-vision board, you ask? Let’s just say it’s a visually stunning compilation of red wine, luxury SUVs, babies, fast food, Ryan Seacrest and the word “murder” (which is kind of a lie, since I like true crime podcasts).

My anti-vision board!


Ironically, those very same items may be on some peoples vision boards!!!!! And that’s the beauty of life – we’re all different and we’re all drawn to and repelled by different things.

My anti-vision boarding party will take place via my YouTube channel TOMORROW (Monday, March 23rd at 12 Noon PDT) – you can RSVP right here or just show up. The replay will also be available if you can’t make this time 🙂

Here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to broadcast LIVE from my foster cat room and we’re going to create an anti-vision board (or mug or box or whatevs) TOGETHER! And it’s going to be SO. MUCH. FUN. I can’t wait!!!

Here’s what you’ll need:

– old magazines and catalogues
– scissors
– glue
– modge podge (optional)
– some poster board or a piece of cardboard of any size (if you would rather make a mug, vase or box, then you will need that instead)
– Any other items you want to add for embellishment like glitter or whatever.
– A desire to create some mischievous fun!

How to participate:

Update: This event has already happened, but here’s the replay…

Why I’m doing this:

There is something wonderfully relaxing about flipping through old magazines and chatting and laughing.

Laughter is medicine! Never underestimate the power of laughter to help you heal and relax. So let’s get together and vision board….the wrong way!


Live Event TOMORROW! Let’s make an Anti-Vision Board Together! Read More »

Tarot Reading for March 23 – 29

Much has changed in the past week for many of us and sometimes it feels like things are getting shittier and shittier. But what isn’t shitty are these cards and their messages…

Let me know how you’re doing and what you’re doing to pass the time while in social isolation. Remember, we’re in this together!


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